Think English Setters aren't tough?

I assume that if we had a poll on the forum and asked the question which breed is the toughest there would be a wide variety of opinions. My guess is that the German breeds and most of the wirey haired ugly dogs would be high on the list. I am not real certain where all the breeds would fall but I think I could safely assume that Setters would not be at the top of the list. I assume they would be about 2/3rds of the way down the list.

Ox is a couple of years old now and determining how "tough" he has been over these years is a bit difficult. He sure seems dainty and fairly fine boned to me. I have never been around dogs that seem to have such thin skin. It feels like its a 1/3 the thickness of the skin on my other mutt (shar-pei basset mix). He has sliced himself open more than any other dog I have been around. Granted once that was by razor wire at a military base. But there in lies the rub. He hunted 2 miles on the GPS after slicing his foot down to the bone. He literally has never acted hurt in his life. I once dug a thorn out of his pad that was 5/8" long and we had not hunted in a day and half. The only reason I found it was it felt weird when we "shook hands".

All that leads to today. Ox goes to work with me everyday. He rides in the back of my truck (I have a topper). This morning though I was in the work truck (no topper) and he was riding in the back. I was driving about 55mph down a paved 4 lane road when I hit a bump or something and the item I was hauling in the bed of the truck fell over and hit Ox. Which knocked him out of the truck. Now he did jump out of the truck, but I think he thought that was his only option.

I watched him skid and barrel roll about 30 ft on the asphalt. I assumed he was dead. He popped up though. He was quite dazed and confused and I had to pick him up to keep him from running into oncoming traffic. Fortunately I was only a few blocks from my friend who is a vet. I took him straight over to get checked out. To my amazement he seemed to have no broken bones. No major cuts. No bloated contusions. His face was tore up pretty bad around his eye, but amazingly his eye was unharmed.

Within a half hour of the accident you would have no idea that anything had happened to him other than all the random blood spots on his body and his fairly gruesome eye area. He was out running around the yard, and when I had him on a leash pulling against it like he had not been out of his kennel in a week.

Ox is one tough dog. If you have got a tougher one I would like to hear about it...
This morning though I was in the work truck (no topper) and he was riding in the back.

WOW, cant believe that people still do this! Crates are sooooooo, easy to use and so much safer. We need to protect our dogs. EVen with a topper it is dangerous.

I am glad the dog is alright, but I hope you learned something. You and the dog are lucky it didnt turn out worse.
crates are easy to use and not taking him even better but the fact is he enjoyes having his dog with him everyday and wether the dog is in a topper or running in the back without a topper things happen glad the dog is ok maybe you should change his name to lucky
im glad he is ok. what did the vet think of him being in the bed of a p/u at 55 mph? You and he are very very lucky
Tough??? I'd say just damn lucky. And for Ox's sake, I hope you learned a valuable lesson about letting dogs ride in the back of a pickup without some type of box or restraint.
Hear about another?...quite honestly, I wish I had not heard about that one.
Glad the pup is ok.
Toughness though, is not the takeaway.

All breeds have dogs that can exhibit toughness or "Ow, that wind is a mite cutting today".
It can help to have a dog that does not beat themselves to death on a hunt as often as it helps to have a dog that soldiers on.
Again, glad on the ending.
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My setter has been hit by a car or should say maybe he hit the car. He ran right into the side of the car that was doing at least 50 mph. Knocked him self out cold and broke his tail he had some swelling on the brain too that took a week to go down. He has eaten my wifes knee high panty hose that had to be cut out of him along with some intestine. A year later he had to be cut open again because the scar tissue on his intestine sealed shut. He has been about drowned because he decided to try and run across a covered pool freaked out and froze in the middle while he was sinking in the liner. Been caught in a leg hold trap and also had some sort of weird virus that the vets couldn't figure out after an over night stay with some IV's he was ok. One run in with two badgers another with a skunk and two separate issues with porcupines. My dog has never showed any sign of being a sissy until we get home and then he plays it off like he is in the most pain ever in front of my wife. Sometimes he will even create a fake limp in front of her for attention. She really knows how to baby him into the most fragile thing on this earth.
I'm really glad the dog is ok, but I have to agree that having the dog in a crate is the only way to travel. I have a topper and still put my dog in a crate. It's better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully there's no long term effects from this accident.
lots of people let there dogs ride in back of trucks with no top. I even would see on a regular basis a guy who had a giant poodle who had the dog ride on the back of his motorcycle. That guy would go in and pay for gas and the dog just sat there on the bike like it was no big deal. Another guy always took his dog on the jet ski.

Some dogs get it and others don't. My fathers dog could ride without a top with no problem. I can remember my dad on the first few trips going slow on back roads and basically swerving in the road and slamming on the breaks to show the dog to always pay attention and be careful back there.

My dog on the other hand just could never seem to get it. I just let him ride up front of my first truck and my second truck has a topper.
show of hands, who lets there dog ride loose in the cab

I am guilty of letting the knucklehead ride in the cab. It is a poor choice on my part, as it provide no protection for the animal. I am glad the dog is ok, it has caused me to re think letting him ride up front on occasion.
One of mine will ride in the cab sometimes. Not allways because I dont like to deal with the hair. The other will ride loose in the bed on the spot. Hes riden on the highway. I would feel terrible if he came out but accept the risk
Like said before some get it some dont. Ive never seen a cattle dog in a crate
Most of them have come out of the truck at least once.
Not justifying or defending my actions but have done it and still do.
Thanks to many of you for making sure to point out how much of a dumdum I am... Without you pointing it out repeatedly I probably never would have realized it was a mistake to let my dog ride in the back of the truck.
My setter has been hit by a car or should say maybe he hit the car. He ran right into the side of the car that was doing at least 50 mph. Knocked him self out cold and broke his tail he had some swelling on the brain too that took a week to go down. He has eaten my wifes knee high panty hose that had to be cut out of him along with some intestine. A year later he had to be cut open again because the scar tissue on his intestine sealed shut. He has been about drowned because he decided to try and run across a covered pool freaked out and froze in the middle while he was sinking in the liner. Been caught in a leg hold trap and also had some sort of weird virus that the vets couldn't figure out after an over night stay with some IV's he was ok. One run in with two badgers another with a skunk and two separate issues with porcupines. My dog has never showed any sign of being a sissy until we get home and then he plays it off like he is in the most pain ever in front of my wife. Sometimes he will even create a fake limp in front of her for attention. She really knows how to baby him into the most fragile thing on this earth.

Thanks for reading my post and offering up an interesting story about a tough dog. Thats what I was hoping this thread would be about.

My mutt plays things up like that in front of guests and strangers. If he does something wrong when its just me and my wife We tell him no or whatnot and he quits and does whats right. If guests are present he puts his tail between his legs and acts like we beat him with a hose. I don't know what he thinks he gets by having strangers be sympathetic towards him. He is weird dog though.
Thanks for reading my post and offering up an interesting story about a tough dog. Thats what I was hoping this thread would be about.

My mutt plays things up like that in front of guests and strangers. If he does something wrong when its just me and my wife We tell him no or whatnot and he quits and does whats right. If guests are present he puts his tail between his legs and acts like we beat him with a hose. I don't know what he thinks he gets by having strangers be sympathetic towards him. He is weird dog though.

I ran my own dog over one time while roading him and the dumby jumped up and kept tracking the the rabbit that made him cut in front of the truck.:eek: Immediatley took him to the vet and all was well. He also hunts the dessert and can run with cactus in all his paws all day long but if he gets one goat head at home he runs straight to me to get it pulled out.:D

Btw. He's your dog and I don't really care for people telling you what you should be doing for him.:cheers:
I don't know that my dogs are especially tough. I remember one year in western KS that daisy had rubbed her muzzle completely raw running through weedy stubble with a lot of thorny weeds. It was so shredded, it honestly hurt to look at... but she didn't stop hunting, just kept charging on... But I think most hunting dogs follow their nose and ignore pretty much everything else when they are hunting.

My dogs ride in the backseat of my super crew cab. I like having them in the cab so I can keep an eye on them and also I enjoy the company. I always bring crates for them in the back, but I can't remember the last time I actually used one.
show of hands, who lets there dog ride loose in the cab

No, Chevy Suburban with 2 Goldens and theyre always in their crates. They dont do any complaining, neither do I.

I always enjoy seeing folks driving with their small dog on their lap between them and the wheel. Just crazy