Bowe is the most overpaid and underworked wide reciever in the NFL. And I think there is a reason he is underworked. Can't make a play unless its a for sure deal. There is not many "wow" catches with him.
Lame or not lame how they can blow a 28 point lead is beyond me. Seems the defensive coordinator can't make adjustments with the other teams offense.
But, much better than last year and hopefully this year they can replace Cooper with someone and find another wide reciever or two.
They are not going to get rid of Cooper. The kid is a rookie playing the absolute hardest position to play in the NFL. I actually think he will end up being a good corner.
I agree about cooper, he wasn't the problem yesterday. The safety play was horrid. Berry takled like a little girl. Poe had no push up the middle. We had decent pressure in the first half, but I noticed in the second half Luck changed his cadence and had the d - line on their heels a little to keep from jumping. He was able to step up because of the lack of a middle pass rush and chew us up. Poe should have ate up their undersized center but for some reason didn't. Bowe needs to go. That play down the sideline was inexcusable. It is his job to know where the sideline is. A top paid nfl reciever makes that play.