No, I'm good with it. I understand how you feel. If a guy got nasty w/ us expecting us to provide GPS coordinates of our favorite spots to "help" him out, I'd feel the same way. You're right, some of the posters do come across as wanting something for nothing. Even then, we should welcome them to our site and try to redirect them. There is a very large part of KS that pheasants can be taken off of. If you tried to "hot spot" or "internet scout" this site, I'm sure you'd be pretty confused by the end of the season. Great bird #'s in Great Bend, great bird #'s in Liberal, great bird #'s in Scot City, Great bird #'s in Hays, Colby, Goodland, Wakeeney, Hill City, Concordia, Philips county, Ellis county, Ellsworth county, Kingman county, Greensburg,......there are birds all over the state. I don't think posters on this site bring any more people to one particular area than the KDWP reports do. Look at the crowing indecies and the upland forecast alone and you'll find places that look and sound more favorable than others. If I were from another state, I'd look at those reports and hunt somewhere around Hill City and Hays. HOWEVER, I've hunted here long enough to know that a few extra birds per square mile isn't worth the extra hunters......eventually others figure the same thing out and hunting pressure gets spread out a bit.