Strong La Nina Weather Pattern set


Well-known member
well, it is typically that time of year, when the birds have been chased hard and are running hard in front of the dogs (for the most part) and most of us look forward to the start of the 2nd season, the first significant snow, but that may be a ways off yet or maybe not even in the cards....the weather patten is locked for now, fresh snow is an equalizer for running birds, but for now it looks like moderate temps and dry weather pattern is here to stay...i doubt i will make another trip to Kansas, unless we get some snow cover in January.....we'll see, as it is really dry right now.
I know the weather isn't optimal, but I think I'm still going to give it a try for a couple of days between Christmas and New Year's. Then hopefully a snow hunt in January.
Yeah, I seen that last night. The weather guy was all excited that it will be quite mild come Christmas weekend. I, on the other hand was sitting there cursing him, because I expect to head out that Sunday or Monday. We live in Kansas, it's December, it's SUPPOSED to be cold...

I tell ya, you can hardly catch a break this hunting season. The damn weather has not only screwed up my bird hunts, but has really jacked up the whitetail patterns as well.
When I was complaining to my brother in Indiana he told me the same thing, as I look out of the window I see that white stuff falling to earth, about D**n time:)
Send it down boys! We need it! :thumbsup:

Believe me you don't want ALL that we have as your phez hunting will come to an abrupt end. Hell I was out the other day with snowshoes on exercising the dogs and it was major work even with those on.