Squirrel Attack!!!


Active member
So,,, my season ended on the strangest possible note! :laugh:

The air was cold and crisp, with just a few flakes of snow blowing in the air. The weather seemed just right. I had my unloaded shotgun tucked through the game pouch of my vest, and my camera in my hands.

The dogs acted like they knew it was the last day of the season, they had a sense of urgency about them... Even more than usual! Junie is always fast, but Daisy was going like greased lightning too. It was quite a sight, and I thought it would be a great end to the season!

So about 15 minutes into our hunt, I hear "YIPE" from Junie, and think "Oh No, she's hit a fence!" I look over in the direction of the sound and see the biggest, fattest squirrel I've ever seen chugging its way up a tree, and Junie running like hell away from there. She passed by me once, and I thought, "huh, she's not limping or anything." Then on the second pass, I about :eek: my pants! There was blood everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE!

I called her to me and there was blood gushing out of the top of her muzzle. Puncture wounds on both sides, with blood just streaming out onto her chest, legs, and all over the grass she had been running through.

By the time I had jogged back to the truck, the bleeding had lessened a bit, but the top of her muzzle had started to swell between the two wounds. At that point I wasn't 100% sure what had happened. I wasn't sure if the squirrel bit her or if she had a locust thorn or stick jammed up in there. So we loaded up and headed to the Vet. I can't tell you how dumb I felt telling the vet, "I think it may be a squirrel bite?"

Vet washed her off and confirmed, it was a squirrel attack! :mad: And now I wish I would have shot that giant, fat SOB. I would have cooked him and fed him to Junie, and probably have taxidermied him too. Haha..

I'm guessing that as she was quartering, she must have run up on the squirrel and then not quite known what to do with it. She's been known to do that to wounded runner pheasants too. She tends to just knock them around a bit until Daisy shows up and grabs them. Anyway, I suspect she was probably doing the same to this squirrel when it had enough and bit the Chit out of her!

So that's the strange end to my 2013/14 season. :cool: Squirrel attack...

I snapped these pics after a creek crossing that washed off a lot of the blood, while I was trying to decide what to do. Obviously, I ended up calling off the hunt and going to the vet, which I think was the right choice.


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wow..that sucks....few weeks ago I let the dogs out in the yard to do their business....my 3 yr old Ace likes to chase the squirrels....as soon as I let him out he made a bee line for his favorite tree to chase them up....there was the BIGGEST Fox squirrel I ever saw on the side of the tree....Ace plucked him right off the tree like an apple....2 seconds it was a dead squirrel....I couldn't believe it....it did scratch Ace in the face a bit.....he didn't put up enough of a fight to save him though. He has pointed them before as well while hunting
I suspect Daisy would have done the same thing Ace does. She doesn't take any crap from pheasants or geese, so I can't imagine a squirrel would give her much trouble either. But little Junie is a lover, not a fighter. :laugh: One time Junie played with a mouse for probably 10 minutes before Daisy came over and crunched it.

KB, I posted before that it was the most unlikely injury I've ever seen!
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his prey drive REALLY becomes a problem when the critter is a SKUNK:eek:

funny thing is he doesn't mess with the neighbors cats :confused: I don't know what the deal is with that...anything else doesn't stand much of a chance...he's killed coons too.
What a freak event and a nasty wound to your dog. Hope all heals back to normal.
Most of my dogs that have grabbed a squirrel ended up regretting it, squirrels are tough

My dad grabbed one when he was a kid and still has a huge scar on his hand 80 years later.
Yea squirrels will give a nasty bite. I hope your dog heals up good and fine.

I have never had a dog bit by a squirrel, I have had encounters with dogs and bobcats. :(
Yea squirrels will give a nasty bite. I hope your dog heals up good and fine.

I have never had a dog bit by a squirrel, I have had encounters with dogs and bobcats. :(

How did that encounter turn out? Last season we saw 2 bobcats in a tree, in a finger of a huge draw we were going to hunt. Obviously I called the dogs in and turned, but I was really nervous because they came out of the tree as we passed and I really hoped they went the other way... Which they did.

I'm sure if the bobcats felt trapped, like my dog was the only thing between them and an escape, it would have been really ugly. Fortunately, we saw them and they saw us, and we peacefully went our separate ways.
How did that encounter turn out? Last season we saw 2 bobcats in a tree, in a finger of a huge draw we were going to hunt. Obviously I called the dogs in and turned, but I was really nervous because they came out of the tree as we passed and I really hoped they went the other way... Which they did.

I'm sure if the bobcats felt trapped, like my dog was the only thing between them and an escape, it would have been really ugly. Fortunately, we saw them and they saw us, and we peacefully went our separate ways.


It was not pretty the bobcat was killing my Britt. I had to shoot the cat after going into the fight and throwing my dog out. I then put three rounds of number 4's into the cat. That ended that fight, then i had to carry my dog to the truck and took him to the vet. Ouch it was not cheap, but the dog recovered.

It was not the dogs or the cats fault. It happened because we where pushing the cat into the river , no place to go. Trapped and cornered.:(
That's why I try to train " live and let live ",with a critters, except game birds. It's hard to do with Versatile hunting dogs, most English pointers and Setters are not too bad. I can usually warn them off skunks,rattlers and porcupines before any damage. Now I got to worry about squirrels as well!
I have a squirrel problem here at home. Been trying to clean them up a bit. I get a call from the wife and there is chaos on the phone, something about dogs and squirrels. I am 3 hours away, what can I do. I told her to go bag up the squirrel and she said it was still moving a little. So, when I get home, I go out to the back yard and see the squirrel, which is deceased. Obviously the boys put the hammer down on Rocky. Pepper had a small wound near where your pup did above his nose. They fared much better then the squirrel this go round. Hope the pup heals up. Wonder if it will make your dog have better judgment or more aggressive next time?
Must be the year for Squirrels

Thanksgiving weekend, I shot a quail my young Pointing lab goes in for the retreave in brush and I hear a yip and she comes out the other side with a huge fox squirrel attached to her face. It bit her through the bottom lip and tonge and blood was spraying everywhere. I got her to drop it and by this time she was bleeding really bad so I decided to get her to the vet. By the time I made it back to the truck the bleeding had stopped and she was back to hunting again and I did not take her to the vet but it was a little scarry. I hope she learned her lesson about messing with furry guys. She also got into it with a badger back in september surprisingly the squirrel did more damage then the badger. Like I tell my Soldiers all the time some of lifes best lessions are learned through pain. Hopefully she it done with squirrels. I also believe the squirrel violated the dog squirrel agreement that goes something like this "I chase you, you run up a tree and we are good"
I just hope my problems with dogs and squirrels are over.

Glad to hear that the pup is ok. Not sure if you have one but you may want to invest in a small first aid kit for the pups and make sure it has emt gel in it. About 6 yrs ago me and my female Gsp were hunting some milo strips when out the side runs what I thought was a coon but quickly realized it was a coyote trying to slink away with its tail tucked. About this time the dog comes out the side looks right then left and she saw it. She put a chase to it and hit it like Ray Lewis would an unexpecting QB. It was one of the nasty sounds I've heard. Thankfully the coyote was getting the wrong end of the deal because it had grabbed ahold of the transmitter on her collar. There is no doubt in my mind she would have been hurt if not for this. Instead she was squeezing the life out of the coyote. When I came close she looked at me for a second giving the coyote the opportunity to turn and run but it was met with #4s in the back of the head. I still have the collar and it still works to this day.