Spay or Neuter


Spayed or Neutered?

Any opinions on a hunting dog?
As far as a dog's hunting ability it makes no difference if it's spayed or neutered. I think most dogs should be spayed or neutered and the breeding left up to the professionals. I'm very much against backyard breeders and have stated this opinion repeatedly on this forum.

There are also other positive medical reasons to spay and neuter. I think this has been discussed elsewhere on this forum.
I would neuter your dog. I neutered Tony at 6 months and take it from a guy that has done it. WAIT until a year old or older. Tony grew 2 inches oversize all over, But his internal organs stayed regular size. He weighs normally between 63 and 65 pounds. So when he hunts you can hear him trying to get enough air to work. This makes him tire before he should. His coat is ugly it sticks out all over and is real fuzzy. These are just some of the problems early neutering can cause. Your VET will admit this if asked, but they never tell you before it is done........Bob
My dogs are intact. I do not plan on breeding them. All you have to do is look at a steer and a bull and it will tell you why I did not cut my dogs.
I don't have a strong opinion on this subject just a couple of observations. I purchased a finished dog on a breeding contract. This dog was more than I could have hopped for, after the breeding was completed I was free to spay....I didn't. A couple of years later she developed ovarian cancer, had I fixed her this may have been avoided. I ended up putting her down due to Larengeal Paralisys (sp). Case number two is my 4 year old male.....great drive, very animated, and a better freind you couldn't ask for. Last summer he damaged his scrotum jumping a fence. The vet convinced me to fix him as it would be a lot cheaper than trying to repair the damage. I am 100% sure he lost a little drive, gained a little weight 5-7 lbs, and worst of all he doesn't handle as much pressure in training. I do not know if this is coincidence or not. So what do I do with my 7 month old male pup?????????

And a final observation, I am sick and tired of my vet pressuring me to spay/neuture and give shots for any dreamed up illness. Any one else feel the same way.

PS All the dogs are labs and I plan to leave the breeding to the Pro's
Two things to do with your pup...1) keep him away from barbed wire fences, and 2) keep him in tact for at least a year (see Bob's post). My boy Taz is 5 and still has all of his tools; however, I am considering cutting him due to an elevated chance of testicular issues.
Two things to do with your pup...1) keep him away from barbed wire fences, and 2) keep him in tact for at least a year (see Bob's post). My boy Taz is 5 and still has all of his tools; however, I am considering cutting him due to an elevated chance of testicular issues.

There are other cancers that increase in occurrence if you neuter. Such as prostrate. Bob is right on about waiting if you choose to go that route.
I agree with Bob. I've heard from serveral people stating that if you plan on working your dog you should wait to have him fixed until at least a year and a half so they fully develop. As for females I don't have any feedback about them.

Agreed leave the breeding to the pro's
My pup is Female.
My two other dogs are neutered. At about 10 months. One is going on 15 and retired the other is 7 and doing fine.

I'm going to get "RD" spayed. Just wondering what your thoughts are.

When I had female dogs and I wanted them Spayed. The Vets always told me to wait until they had their first "complete heat cycle". The reason for this is; They are then fully mature and they can see and get all the organs that have to come out easily. I hope this is a help; that is always what I was told and did........Bob
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