Well-known member
Benelli-butt or whatever your name is. You sound like such a Egotistical democrat.
I'll stand with UGUIDE and Donald Trump! Not sure why he was brought up anyways because we've had
the worst president in the history of the US these past 8 years. He was a heck of a gun salesman though.
I believe some of your points are valid
believe what you want, i have never voted democrat...once...ever. voted republican. egotistical? yup, you got me there! thanks, and have a good day. by the way, all i am saying is that it will be difficult to procure the $ to restore CRP, for example, to the acreage levels we once had. And, even if we could, it doesn't mean that the farmers would choose it...maybe they would...I would love it if they did. honestly, I was going to say "mickey mouse", not "donald duck", but I didn't, for no reason...once I used the donald duck reference, I knew it would get taken as though I meant our president. I didn't mean that. I did vote for him. And I may again. But I do believe he is a buffoon. We only had him to choose from...Hillary is kind of hot, though...
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