
Not at all FCS. Just checked the forecast in Arizona and it says mid 70's and sun for the next week. I'll be getting on the big bird and heading south tomorrow. Only wish I could stay until the snow melts up here. Let's see, looking at things now that would be about July. :D
Pheasants are pretty resiliant. I'm sure there will be plenty for next year. My experience is that when bird numbers are down so is the hunting it kinda balances out hunting wise. In north Idaho we have no snow and the grass is even starting to green up.
The Feb sun is starting to work, should start seeing a few bare spots.
It was 77 degrees and sunny yesterday in the Phoenix area. I got in 18 holes of golf. We're in Lake Havasu today with friends until Tuesday. No snow down here. :)
Hey, me and your dogs just left for that Hawaii Pheasant hunt, they put a ley around our necks as we got off the plane, 78, sunny, got a limit. Sitting on the beach now, Ellie just caught a Mahhie and were having the chef whip it up for us. I just threw back a 14' tiger shark, Odie, loving water, he's out on a surf board he scamed off a local babe. Your dog doesn't seem to mind your gone. She Say's have fun in the desert.:D:thumbsup:
Well, I hope you guys in South Dakota are starting to thaw out. Talked to a friend in NE Nebreska and he said he is seeing lots of birds despite the cold and that is a good sign. I was out training dogs this morning south of Moscow in 50+ degrees and blue bird skies. But with our luck we will get freezing rain during the pheasant hatch. Cheers all.
Well, I hope you guys in South Dakota are starting to thaw out. Talked to a friend in NE Nebreska and he said he is seeing lots of birds despite the cold and that is a good sign. I was out training dogs this morning south of Moscow in 50+ degrees and blue bird skies. But with our luck we will get freezing rain during the pheasant hatch. Cheers all.

it is thawing out. were suppose to get 40s weather this week.

i saw a lot of birds today so its a good sign. however, those birds were picking out the winter wheat that was planted.. not a good sign for the farmers though.