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Does anyone have or use shorthairs on a still dove hunt? And how do they do?
The boy (4) and I just started training our GSP yesterday to dove hunt. We had two buckets in the front yard, a quail dummy and his toy over/under shotgun. Sure the neighbors got a kick out of watching us. So far, so good with the training.
i have taken all my shorthairs dove hunting just about forever, mostly though, i let them just run around and be idiots. my goal is to get them in shape for serious work, toughen their paws. sit still they will, they don't need that. word of caution though is to bring lots of water and maybe even carry a qt. or two in your vest, lot's of days are in the high 90's. many dogs don't really love retrieving dove as the feathers come off plus many of them have sand burrs. it is rare that a dog running around getting in shape will not see the bird fall . be especially mindful of the heat, i watch also for snakes but don't ever see any. once a dog has learned to sit he will understand the difference between work and play. for me it is prime conditioning time
I like to go dove hunting with other hunters as well. Two of my dogs retieve to the hand and only for me. Makes getting my limit of birds real easy
if your dogs did that on a pheasant hunt you wouldn't think is was so cute especially with two buddies and their limits, better retrain your mutt or at least have him smarten up a bit
I think it is very common and natural for any dog to retrieve to it's handler/owner or to whomever trained the dog, regardless of who shot the bird. In fact I would say it is more uncommon for them to NOT do so.
That being said, a dog who quite often is hunted by different people, would be the exception, but not the rule.