Shed hunting?

Toad- I don't discourage but I also don't encourage- wouldn't want mine pointing or looking for horns or bones while hunting-

I also agree- the way you describe is about the way I teach mine to retrieve- hunt dead- I use tennis balls- not many of them in the fields

we had a tennis court on our resort- brothers Golden Retriever would wait to get the balls that were wild- jokingly I said you should teach him to find golf balls
Always wanted to learn the shed-hunting gig real good, sounds like a great excuse to get outdoors in the off-season or something interesting to add to my regular hikes. Tell myself every yr I'm gonna get serious about it, but never do (don't often have the TIME that I'm sure it takes to get real good at tediously combing)...

I have found a few sheds randomly throughout the yrs & some of them pretty nice ones (once found a perfect freshly-dropped pr side by side in a bedding area) - but it sure would be cool to learn the ropes a little so I could at least get at some of sheds from the MONSTER "Untouchables" (both bulls & bucks) around here in my semi-suburban Denver Foothills neck of the woods (with lots of non-huntable county lands & hiking trails). THIS YEAR... ;)
found a matching set to a real nice 8 point i saw aa few times this year, saw him fightin with a 180 class buck once too! found a bunch of smaller ones and a few decent sheds tho.
My brother found one antler and it's a nice shed. 5 long points with 3 small points growing on the bigger points 1 ,1 1/2long and the thickness is unbelievable:thumbsup: Found it in the yard. Going to have to show it to blackcloud.
No school for my son yesterday so we went for a little hike and he was pretty happy to find this:


Now if I can just find the other side....

Rut, that would make a nice set. Thanks for posting the pic. I got to talking about morel mushrooms today... C'mon Spring!
We found a real nice shed a few years ago,wasn't really looking for them,but just happened to sit down on either the G2 or G3 of a five point lh side.(It was dark,and we where turkey hunting):)
Going to take my two 6 yr old daughters shed hunting next weekend at the family farm, hopefully the weather stays nice. Ill post some pics if I find any.

I will be going next weekend as well. Did o.k. last year!
Todays take!! Did not find any magnums because the grass was so high in the areas I usually find them. Not enough snow to pack the grass down this year. Found a couple on the skull and got stuck once!!! Was told I could make it!! Well you can see that did not happen!!!!!!!! Still a good day although only about 4 or 5 are fresh.:cheers:
