Sharptails=Good Day With the Kids


New member
I rounded up a bunch of second cousins for a Saturday Sharptail hunt. Boy did they have a blast! They ended the day with 14 Sharptail, 1 Ruff Grouse, and a huge Canada Goose. All this without a dog. These kids came to hunt! I snapped this picture after two walks for Sharptail right away in the morning.

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Great Job. Nothin better than takin some kids out hunting. I see they know how to shoot too. Great Post:coolpics:
Good Job! Good bunch of young hunters.:)
How did you end up w/ the goose?

The Goose came from a stroke of genius by the oldest boy. We were at his Grandparents farm having dinner when a dozen geese flew over the tree tops of the farm yard. We were all sitting outside in lawnchairs eating dinner when they came over. Levi dropped his plate, ran to his shotgun, thru a single shell into it as he ran 30 yards to an opening, and he took out the lead goose! It dropped right in the yard.
Outstanding! Good old Minnesota hunting. I have shot numerous geese from my front steps/yard as has my wife and two son's.

Awesome job taking the kids, looks like they have done this before. Great way to raise them..Good job on their parents and your part :thumbsup::10sign:
Good work to you and the kids.:10sign:
This is a great bunch of kids. They listened very well, they were extremely respectful of their firearms, they handled their guns very well, and they treated the elders of the group with alot of respect. I didnt hear a single complaint or one arguement all day. It was very enjoyable and alot of fun for us grownups as well. These kids had alot of shooting during the coarse of the day. It was fun to hear their stories and share their excitement.