"Setters in action"!!


New member
I seen on the other thread that someone requested pictures of "Setters in action"! Setters are my favorite breed and I have had other breeds but I really like their personalities and style, so I wanted to brag about my Setter, Andy!

I think we should start a thread for each one of the pheasant chasing breeds!

Let's see everyone else's English Setters!!!

Here's Andy's pedigree:
Dad's side - CH. Tomoka, CH. Pinkone Max Jr., CH.Grouseridge John, CH. Susan's Lady Pird, CH. Brannigan, CH Pinekone Max, CH. Southwind Mike, CH. Baraka, CH. Bob Lee's Stare, CH. Hick's Rising Sun, CH. Sam l's Skyhigh, CH. Orchard Valley Skylight, CH. Pinnacle, CH. The Performer, CH. Brawny Lad, CH. Bob Lee's Dot, CH. Tekoa Mountain Sunrise, CH. Sam l's Hadaway, CH. Skyrocket Pride's Hank, CH. Orchard Valley Skylight, CH. Amber, CH. Cashmaster

Mom's side - CH. High Marks, CH. Hamilton's Blue Diamond, CH. Hick's Rising Sun, CH. Brannigan, CH. Tekoa Mountian Sunrise, CH. Baraka, CH. Bob Lee's Star, CH. The Performer, CH. Brawn Lad, CH. Bob Lee's Dot, CH. Mr. Motion, CH. Pinnacl, CH. Cashmaster'sDd, CH. Tyoneon Barney, CH. Tomoka, CH. Flaming Star, CH. Tekoa Mountain Hope, CH. Anaconi

Here's pictures of Andy pointing wings as a 8 week old pup and then some more of him in the fields training just prior to this years pheasant hunt. He's 7 months old in these pictures. He's now 8 months old and doing his best to get things figured out. He's graduated the puppy program and now he's getting some wild bird experience with me and then he will go back to the trainer next spring to start his formal trianing. I'm really proud of him, he's doing great!! I couldn't be luckier!






Nice pic's !!! Do your dogs ever get a lot of burrs? Or those nasty sand burrs that are always in my boot laces? A friend of mine just got a ES and it is 9 weeks old! I need to go check her out!:coolpics:

Great looking pups and one heck of a good pedigree. Looks like formal training will be a breeze. :coolpics:
Had Setters for 30 years, last one died at 14, didn't think I could replace her,she was one of a kind, known to my friends as the "meat animal". Lost my mind and after a mourning period got French Britts. They are really good dogs,but they are not my old setters. As they say marry in haste repent in leisure. I hope I live long enough to get another good pair of setters. In the meantime I'll enjoy yours.
Niiiiiiiice. They have always been at the top of my list of dogs to get. I am currently on the ES rescue wait list. I have an Irish Setter that is my bud but he is on his last tour so waiting for the ES phone to ring.
Nice! Have fun with your pup, next yr. is when your going to really see your dog motor.
Have a great season in the field.

My dad had a setter when I was pretty young. I only got to hunt with him once or twice before he just got too old. I was maybe 10 or so at the time. He was more of a friend than a hunting dog to me. The family friend I hunt with now has several of them. Great hunting dogs and terrific all around family dogs. Ours rarely barked at anything- was happiest running our backyard looking at the trees for anything to move. He burned a figure 8 in the grass on his favorite path, the same loop back and forth for hours on end. We had to bring him in when it got hot out because he would just never quit. I loved that dog to death and I will get another one as soon as I am able. Keep the pics. coming, I love to see them! :thumbsup: :10sign:
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That's a great picture!

Yea they get burrs caught up in their coats sometimes, but really not that difficult to remove when it does happen, I like to shave all but their tail and leave his ears a little long in the spring and then again in August, so that helps a little bit with keeping them cool and sticker free. As far as their feet and stickers they do great, they get a a heavy coat of hair between their toes that help them quite a bit and they have thick pads that definitely help, to be honest I haven't had an issue with goat heads at all and I've had a few ES's and I've hunted a lot of different areas and cover. Maybe me and my dogs are just lucky??? :thumbsup:
The camera must add about 10 lbs. He's only 44 lbs. His Dad is a big boy in Setter standards but his Mom is just a little thing.

That is about what Ace weighs. He looked bigger than that in the picture to me, must be the longer coat. He is a fine looking dog.