seeing any broods?


New member
saw some broods of pheasants today. most had 6-8 young with them. also saw 3 broods of turkeys yesterday . one brood was almost the size of the hen. other broods were alot younger. even saw some baby mallards yesterday, little fluffballs yet. saw 3 bucks while i was setting trail cams out. should be a great fall!
Hae not been out much lately, been too busy with the work around home. But before I dug it up, I saw plenty. I can hear the roosters cackle, and the chicks chirping out in the corn. So I know their out there. I think many will be running the corn rows now.
Have seen a bunch of good sized ones in the backyard--8-9 in the bunch. Had three dogs on point but it was getting dark. They have found them 3 times now unless different bunch and that would be even better.
Have seen some elsewhere while driving, but do not know how many may have been in the ditch. Pretty much all across the state, some areas better than others.
Have seen a bunch of good sized ones in the backyard--8-9 in the bunch. Had three dogs on point but it was getting dark. They have found them 3 times now unless different bunch and that would be even better.
Have seen some elsewhere while driving, but do not know how many may have been in the ditch. Pretty much all across the state, some areas better than others.

I like it. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I was in the mountains yesterday and saw some good broods of mtn quails. Two of the broods couldn't have been more than a week old and our season starts in just over a month! These won't be shooters until late season when they get very hard to find. I hope these were hens with second hatches and not a late hatching trend in our mountains.
I see quail broods most everyday when I excerise my dogs. One day I swear there most have 2-3 broods together, when they got there must have been 40 birds and 3-4 adults in the group.........Bob
Bob I don't know how the weather was up there, but we had perfect weather for a great quail season in central California. One private ranch I hunt I have witnessed one pair who has raised 2 broods and just hatched a 3rd! This pair is easily identified because the rooster has no top knot. Now I just hope the old bobcat doesn't do to much damage.
QH, Around here it is the hawks that do the most damage. The ones I'm seeing are even huntable. They are on the Nortside of Spokane, in the weeds around the footbal stadium...........Bob
Yeah, gotta love those urban birds. At least they give us a chance to run the dogs on coveys we don't intend to hunt. Do you guys still have bobwhites up there or mainly Ca& mtn quail?
We are suppose to have them, but I have not seen any in eastern Washington in long time. I see a lot of Ca & Mtn quail..........Bob
I went out tonight drove ten miles and counted around 100 birds adults small chicks and medium chicks very good sighns and from all the farmers here they are saying their are alot of burds in the milo and cane fields so when they are harvested it shouldnt be hard to get a limit or 2