Everybody gets your point...not hard to fathom. We just don’t care that much…or we understand that others can see the world differently. Go picket the farms and ranches that charge to hunt…or learn about their circumstances. I’m glad they’ve got habitat, and a financial incentive to keep it habitat…otherwise they might just plow it all and farm it. You know what’s a threat to the future of hunting? Another billion humans. Or two billion. All who need to be fed. That’s what we’re up against. I bought land for $600/acre 23 years ago in SD. Today similar land goes for $5000, +/-. Hard to leave any of it idle if you’re paying that kind of $…not to mention all the other input costs like seed, fertilizer, fuel, machinery, crop insurance, interest on debt, real estate taxes, mortgage payments, health insurance premiums, income taxes, FICA taxes, retirement plan contributions, saving for kids’ college tuition, groceries, house repairs, daily drivers, etc. Crop prices jump all over the place. Not a business I could handle. I don’t begrudge them for wanting compensation for accessing their habitat. 75 years ago a family could make it on a 1/4 section. Today it requires 10x that, or more. It’s getting harder, not easier. That’s my take on the situation. Those who are 3rd, 4th, 5th generation farmers/ranchers have a huge advantage, however…that’s the only way a person can be a farmer or rancher…or marry someone who is in that category. Barking at guys who pay to hunt won’t help…there are things you can do to address the situation constructively.