Sad sight


New member
When I was up there hunting earlier this week, I came across the saddest sight, not once, but twice. Driving between fields and there was a brittany in the path that was dead as a doornail. I ain't much of an emotional fellar, but it damn near brought tears to my eyes. Dead dog or not, I couldn't help but get out and check the collar for any information to contact the owner. Surprisingly, there was nothing on the collar with the owner's contact information. The next day I came across an english pointer, same story. No contact information on the collar. This one looked like he was starved to death. It tore at my heart so bad. I can't imagine my little girl running the fields, lost, lookin for me. I know it happens, but I cannot understand why someone would turn their dog loose without their phone number or address on the collar. I've got my dog microchipped, which is very cheap, along with a tag that says the dog is chipped. In addition, there is a tag that has my cell phone and address on it. Take care of your ol dogs. They are working hard for you in the field, there is no excuse for putting your mark on the dog so that they can be reunited with you if they are lost. I'll get off the soapbox now...
Was this on public ground? Sad to hear, I know I have almost lost my dog in a couple of strange scenario's when birds were either running or flushing near standing corn that was 7 foot tall.
I too have come close on a couple of occasions. Especially w/ the Britts in big grass when the birds are running hard and scenting/tracking conditions are good. I've foregone the entire rest of the day hunting just to search for them. I'm not coming home w/o my dogs.

Do you think the brit starved to death too or was it shot? My grampa used to just shoot dogs in the field if he decided that day he didn't like them. They were never anything more than tools to him and if he couldn't use em', he wasn't feeding them. Not sure why he couldn't have just tried to find homes for em', but whatever, I didn't come to highjack the thread. Dogs mean more to some of us than they do to others. I don't think a bird dogs that doesn't hunt should be put down or left out to starve.....I may have been raised that way but I just can't stand that mentality:mad:
I kinda looked for any evidence of a bullet hole in her, but couldn't really see much.

I have heard of that mentality as well. A guy I USED to hunt with told me a story about his pointer not doing whatever it was he wanted, so he just "laid that sumbitch over with a load of # 7's to show it who was boss." I have not spoken to him since. My dog is my best friend. Yes, she is a useful tool, but so much more than that. I'll admit that I have shot a stray dog or two in my days if they were messin with livestock or something. No more. My heart has turned soft toward dogs now, so bad that I can't even hunt coyotes anymore. I applaud all those that do, as I think it is a bit necessary, it just won't be me that does it. Any no good disrespectful piece of trash that would intentionaly shoot their own dog in front of me is likely to get buttstroked by the end of my shotgun and maybe a boot to the ribs or two. I'm not some bleeding heart tree hugger by any means, but that is man's best friend. Treat it like one.
I too have come close on a couple of occasions. Especially w/ the Britts in big grass when the birds are running hard and scenting/tracking conditions are good. I've foregone the entire rest of the day hunting just to search for them. I'm not coming home w/o my dogs.

Do you think the brit starved to death too or was it shot? My grampa used to just shoot dogs in the field if he decided that day he didn't like them. They were never anything more than tools to him and if he couldn't use em', he wasn't feeding them. Not sure why he couldn't have just tried to find homes for em', but whatever, I didn't come to highjack the thread. Dogs mean more to some of us than they do to others. I don't think a bird dogs that doesn't hunt should be put down or left out to starve.....I may have been raised that way but I just can't stand that mentality:mad:

I kinda looked for any evidence of a bullet hole in her, but couldn't really see much.

I have heard of that mentality as well. A guy I USED to hunt with told me a story about his pointer not doing whatever it was he wanted, so he just "laid that sumbitch over with a load of # 7's to show it who was boss." I have not spoken to him since. My dog is my best friend. Yes, she is a useful tool, but so much more than that. I'll admit that I have shot a stray dog or two in my days if they were messin with livestock or something. No more. My heart has turned soft toward dogs now, so bad that I can't even hunt coyotes anymore. I applaud all those that do, as I think it is a bit necessary, it just won't be me that does it. Any no good disrespectful piece of trash that would intentionaly shoot their own dog in front of me is likely to get buttstroked by the end of my shotgun and maybe a boot to the ribs or two. I'm not some bleeding heart tree hugger by any means, but that is man's best friend. Treat it like one.

Two very good posts.
It's why we see an increase in rescue during hunting season. It saddens me but at least these guys get another chance. The ones that you found didn't.
I've lost dogs before and have always found them. I lost one next to a highway and searched on foot for three hours before finding that he had went back to the truck looking for me. Talk about emotional.
I now don't put dogs on the ground without the Garmin. That thing has saved me and my dogs so many times.
These dogs aren't tools, they are my family. I don't abandon them.
If I didn't have dogs, I probably wouldn't hunt birds.
How people dump dogs, shoot dogs, or whatever is beyond me.
a quick tip

a good tip I got from an "old timer"

before you put a dog "on the ground" place a bowl/bucket of water next to the vehicle and make sure that the dog sees/smells that it is there - if for some reason you lose your dog in that field it'll at least know where to find water, if you leave the area looking for your dog, leave a bowl of food next to the water, even better leave the dog's kennel if you can

you guys get the idea
I just got into hunting of any kind the end of last year hunting pheasants and quail. This year picked up a pup to help me and now that I have spent time with her and see her working the field and trying her best to please me I could not leave her out in the field if I lost her. I am always worrying when I dont see her in the tall stuff. Luckly I bought the dogtra 2500tb which has the beeper on it and gives me an idea on where she is at. My dog is like family to me and my son so she is more spoiled than I spoil my kids sometimes.:p
That seems weird with all the hunters out there someone wouldn't catch or the owners find them if they were searching, sounds like maybe someone might have lost them on purpose. Pointers tend to look quite skinny most the time if there in good shape. I know guy who have lost a big running dog in Montana, and had to go home, he left flyers in towns near, and talked to vets and such, the dog was found by a hunter and returned.
a good tip I got from an "old timer"

before you put a dog "on the ground" place a bowl/bucket of water next to the vehicle and make sure that the dog sees/smells that it is there - if for some reason you lose your dog in that field it'll at least know where to find water, if you leave the area looking for your dog, leave a bowl of food next to the water, even better leave the dog's kennel if you can

you guys get the idea

Excellent tip too! It took me a time or 2 to figure this out....well, actually it took desperation. I'd never thought about the water thing beforehand though...that's a good one. I've left articles of clothing for them (all my old coats end up being doggy cushions) and food. I think I'll use the water tip in the future though.

My buddy lost a dog while quail hunting at Lake Meredith here in Fritch. We left his pickup with the tailgate down and box open. When we came back out around 10:00 pm to try and spotlight eyes and hopefully find the dog, there he was, snug in his kennel in the truck. After a lot of hugs, we closed the tailgate and they headed home.
Thats a tough thing to see and get out of your mind.

Over the summer there was a guy who lost his Lab hiking Pikes Peak on the North side. He posted on a forum for people to keep on the look out. He kept being spotted but no one could get him. The guy kept going back and leaving clothing and food but nothing. Then a month later he was caught on the south side in someone's home. They call up the microchip and the guy got his dog back. It was pretty healthy for living on a mountain for a month.
i have the dogtra 2500t&b collar so i can beep them to see wear there at. a couple years a go me and my uncle came across some out of state hunters that just got done hunting a field we stopped to see how they where doing. One guy was mad at his dog yell at it as soon as he hit it with his fist i got out of the truck and put him on his ass. i grabbed the dog and put it in the truck. he got up and grabbed is gun and came tords me as soon as he pointed it at me my uncle got out of the truck with his ar-15 and told the guy to put it away. we called the law and they came out and took him in. I cant stand people that beat dogs or any other animals. there are to many stray hunting dogs left after hunting season.
This is why both my dogs wear Garmin DC-30 collars! The thought of losing a dog makes me sick to my stomach.


Agreed. For the longest time I just couldn't justify the expense. Then my brother lost one of his beagles for three days. That was enough to get my wife thinking about it. She typically gives me the ole stink eye when I purchase something hunting related.

Her words, "what would it cost you to replace your dog and your boy's broken hearts if you ever came home without their dog?"

We made it a priority and bought an Astro two months later. No regrets.
Team68 you have some balls. I fight too much over here to want to fight others when in the states. Yes there are some dumb people in this world and some of the things they do I don't stand for but I don't know that I would fight a guy for his dog or for mistreating his dog, guess I would handle it other ways. My hats off to you though for sticking up for what you believe in and for doing what you thought right at the time. I don't agree with people saying that if a dog won't hunt then it is no good. There are plenty of dogs out there to do what you want and if the one you have now doesn't do what you want then place it in a good home. It makes me sick to know that some people will house and care for a dog somewhat just to leave it. Dogs are unknowing creatures and they invest themselves whole heartedly and I believe the ones who own them should do the same.

My dogs are family and at times my wife asks me if I love my two ladies more than her. I do love my dogs and see them as a part of my family and I wouldn't have it any other way. I guess I have been lucky to get two really solid hunting partners and family members. I could not ever even invite the possibility turning them away for doing something less than I expect. I think for most it is the love for thier pets that makes them want so much out of them. We always strive for our four legged friends to do more and are constantly pushing them with training to make them the best they can be.

I applaud all the people on this site that do the rescue thing. It takes a special group of people to take these often times abused dogs in and turn them around. I have volunteered my time and services before for various rescues and let me tell you that is a real tear jerker. Keep up the good work guys/girls.

Just my two cents. Hope all of the wonderful people on here find much enjoyment out of thier dogs and remember that even we make mistakes.
this guy was being a prick and pushed my buttons and i snapped i have a bad temper and for one thinf you dont point a gun in my face or any body else. 2 years ago my buddys brother found 4 gsp tied to a tree left to dye i cant stand peope like that.
you know that goes along with the saying I have you better make the first 1 count couse the socond 1 will be in your a$$ have no tolerance for chicken sh!T$ that use a gun rather than get there a$$ wooped I got stabbed 1 tuime yea I ended up in the hospital but i am positive he felt me for a LOOOng time
the guy thought it was a joke kicking his dog and then when he hit it i snapped. people like have no business owning a dog or even having children.