roast goose

quail hound

I am not a waterfowler by nature, but upon request of my family I purchased my stamps and wrangled up 2 Canadians this morning for Christmas roast goose. I took my time and plucked both birds to do it right. My family has never ate goose before (i have, but never cooked it) so I want to cook it right so they enjoy it. Any recipes, tips or tricks to roasting a goose?
I am not a waterfowler by nature, but upon request of my family I purchased my stamps and wrangled up 2 Canadians this morning for Christmas roast goose. I took my time and plucked both birds to do it right. My family has never ate goose before (i have, but never cooked it) so I want to cook it right so they enjoy it. Any recipes, tips or tricks to roasting a goose?

cook it in a bag. Flip it up side down. The grease runs though it and, bon appetite. other than sand hill crain's Geese are the prime rib , of the bird world. Christmas goose, Good eaten, marry Christmas QH.:thumbsup::cheers:
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Thanks Jmac, merry Christmas to you also. By bag are you meaning a oven bag or ??? Thanks again.
Thanks Jmac, merry Christmas to you also. By bag are you meaning a oven bag or ??? Thanks again.

Yes the oven bags , put out by , reynolds. they cut down cooking time, and the bird, is still very moist. Goose gravy is awsome . good luck they are good.:thumbsup::cheers:
when you put the goose in the bag what if anything do you add to it, spices, wine, harder stuff, dressing, salad dressing. I made one once and filled it with dressing, I over cooked the goose BUT the dressing, cornbread, was the best I have ever eaten, the grease from the goose got into the dressing and I ate cornbread dressing sandwiches for a week, some times even twice a day.
I got an easy one for you but it's not roasted

Cut goose breast into 1" cubes
soak over night in 1 cup soy sauce
and 1 1/2 cup brown surgar
wrap with half a piece of bacon put tooth pick thru bacon to hold
cook at 350 for 30min
turn to broil cook 5 - 10 min till bacon is done.
Boil sauce in seprate pan and use to dip meat into.

I feed this to DakotaZeb late summer and he ain't dead yet.
Must not be to bad:D
Hey all, the bag comes with instuctions, You need to follow one teaspoon of flour, to keep it from sticking to the bird. Half cup of water. season to your tastes. I like to rub the bird with butter and sage. You will need to watch time you cook it for as the bag speeds up the time it takes to cook. I can't find the instuction. but you can go on line .

Goldeneye, Thats a good one Im going to try that with my next goose.:)

And Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To All in UPH Land.
the best way to cook a goose is with a board cook them together and throw away the goos and eat the board
Good luck with the goose.
You can roast up a young goose [early in the season] and make it pretty good with a slow/long roast.
If it's an old goose:eek:
This came from march 2009 DU mag.

6-8 skinless duck fillets
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
10-12 cloves of galic, minced
3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespon ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt

Wisk together add 3/4" slice duck toss to coat 1 - 4 hours turning occasionally
place on wood skewers and cook on grill

I changed a few things
I used goose instead of duck. 1" cubes
Some wraped in bacon some not. Save the bacon it didn't do much
Made K-Bobs mushrooms , green peppers and onions
Soaked for 30min after I made the K-bobs I poured the sauce over them to coat everything.
It was very good and will make it again. I will not change a thing.

I could never pick a fine wine but a good whiskey go's with everything.:thumbsup:


As with all waterfowl, rare is the word. refrain from over-cooking at all cost. Years ago, my best friend an I, happened into a storm induced migration, shot limits of canada's and mallards. his sister, high school age, to impress us, dug out a french cookbook and baked the mallards with oranges, apples, cranberries, peppercorn, all sorts of stuff, smelled divine. Only problem is when they came of of the oven, 4 big flight mallards were the size of sqaubs! Fruit was good though.
Lee, they look so good I have teeth marks in my monitor..Chomp, Chomp..:laugh::laugh::beer::cheers:
Let me know if anyone tries them.
I bet you could even cut up a beef roast if you did not have any goose. Hands down thats the best goose I have ever had.:cheers: