Residents Only 1st Week on Walk-In?


Well-known member
An idea has floated up in another thread in the main forum: Should Kansas restrict walk-in land to residents the first week of the season as does ND (and SD?)? Weigh in, fellow Kansans.
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Yes. I don't know why they haven't done this already.
I am not a Kansan but I pay a tidy sum of real estate tax in Kansas, and I have at my own expense done a considerable amount of habitat work in Kansas, spend and have spent around 3 months a year in Kansas literally since birth, my ground was homesteaded when Kansas became a state, has been in our name ever since. I look out over the graves of my ancestors burried in a church yard a mile across the prairie. I figure my credentials qualify. I vote that it's absurd. The notion that I should get treated like a second class citizen is offensive. Furthermore, I didn't realize how helpless you Kansans are, in my opinion if you've lived in Kansas for at least 3 years, and you haven't developed private land opportunities you should be embarrased. Your not the focus of WIHA, the non-res are. By the way it is paid for largely by them and other non-residents who pay Pittman-Robertson tax nationwide, a huge percentage of whom will never hunt in Kansas. So we already pay your freight for you, but you should get an further advantage. As I suggested in the other Main Forum post, If you want to do something constructive, push for a delay in the quail opener for two weeks to relieve pressure on bob's applied by armies of pheasant hunters in that time period. Kansas used to have a delayed opener west of 81. I remember that and the habitat stamp, we had a lot of birds then and lots of hunters, more than now by far we had no WIHA. Non-res is not your problem. What you want is Kansas Hunter Welfare. I don't hunt WIHA, why should you?
Whether it happens on WIHA land or private, doesn't matter to me. If I were a MO resident I'd feel the same way; let the MO residents enjoy their state to themselves for just one w/e before the influx begins. SD's rule makes me feel like a 2nd class citizen...oh wait, being a KS citizen, I probably am 2nd-class as far as their legislators are concerned;) I'm not casting stones here either. SD and ND's resident only opener is something that I consider everytime I start thinking about moving. Not b/c I want that one w/e per year w/o non-residents, just b/c they're obviously showing a bit of favoritism (reflection of state culture) by allowing their residents to enjoy a w/e of hunting w/o all the extra pressure.
I am not a Kansan but I pay a tidy sum of real estate tax in Kansas, and I have at my own expense done a considerable amount of habitat work in Kansas, spend and have spent around 3 months a year in Kansas literally since birth, my ground was homesteaded when Kansas became a state, has been in our name ever since. I look out over the graves of my ancestors burried in a church yard a mile across the prairie. I figure my credentials qualify. I vote that it's absurd. The notion that I should get treated like a second class citizen is offensive. Furthermore, I didn't realize how helpless you Kansans are, in my opinion if you've lived in Kansas for at least 3 years, and you haven't developed private land opportunities you should be embarrased. Your not the focus of WIHA, the non-res are. By the way it is paid for largely by them and other non-residents who pay Pittman-Robertson tax nationwide, a huge percentage of whom will never hunt in Kansas. So we already pay your freight for you, but you should get an further advantage. As I suggested in the other Main Forum post, If you want to do something constructive, push for a delay in the quail opener for two weeks to relieve pressure on bob's applied by armies of pheasant hunters in that time period. Kansas used to have a delayed opener west of 81. I remember that and the habitat stamp, we had a lot of birds then and lots of hunters, more than now by far we had no WIHA. Non-res is not your problem. What you want is Kansas Hunter Welfare. I don't hunt WIHA, why should you?

Does your state of residence have walk-in, and if so, is it open to non-residents from the opening day?
i think it is a good idea for residents only on WIHA, for the first 7 days, and i am a NR too. just because you live in Kansas doesn't mean you have time to cultivate landowner contacts, that has nothing to do with the theory of allowing Kansans first crack at their state hunting program.

it would also go a long way in cooling the feelings of those who get trampled by the NR crowd that traditionally shows up on the opener. i am surprised the policy hasn't been implemented yet, you guys need to petition the sate and BB and git 'er done!:thumbsup:
Missouri does not have a walk-in program. But all state ground private or public is open to all licensed hunters on the same day. Always has been. So we just ignore the obvious, what does public or private have to do with it? Everything, if you hunt private, i.e. restricted to you and your friends, what do you care about non-residents hunting WIHA? Afraid of crowds at the motel? Gas stations, eating establishments? No I doubt it,you all refuse to call a spade a spade. what you want is a sweetheart deal, not by virtue, but because of where you happen to live! Welfare, just like South Dakota, North Dakota. You want us to pay for it and subsidize you to use it. No thanks. i won't be hunting Kansas this year, I think I'll plow the farm and sell it,go somewhere else, I know where, I won't tell any of you!
wow O&N, i think there is more going on here than a little jealousy as a NR.

personally i don't feel offended at all by the idea and i will tell you why. on most opening days in Kansas there are knuckleheads parked by every WIHA waiting to jump out of their cars before it is even daylight and platoon through the field.

as a resident, as i used to be at one time, i would not even bother going out for the opener, unless i had private ground lined up. i see nothing wrong with allowing residents and landowners who are residents the first chance at hunting a resource a lot of them support in many ways through the whole year.

everyone who buys a license, resident or NR ends up supporting the WIHA program. the NR gets a license good for the year, which is a helluva lot better deal than SD or ND gives you, which is 10 days or 14 days at $120 a pop or more. what difference should one week make to a NR?
i contend it would be a respectful allowance that could be made to the state's people.
the NR's can still show up and hunt private ground, just like SD or ND. and i hardly think the Dakotas are "welfare states".....those states have hard working, friendly, polite folks and they don't stand around with their hands out either! :cool:
Missouri does not have a walk-in program. But all state ground private or public is open to all licensed hunters on the same day. Always has been. So we just ignore the obvious, what does public or private have to do with it? Everything, if you hunt private, i.e. restricted to you and your friends, what do you care about non-residents hunting WIHA? Afraid of crowds at the motel? Gas stations, eating establishments? No I doubt it,you all refuse to call a spade a spade. what you want is a sweetheart deal, not by virtue, but because of where you happen to live! Welfare, just like South Dakota, North Dakota. You want us to pay for it and subsidize you to use it. No thanks. i won't be hunting Kansas this year, I think I'll plow the farm and sell it,go somewhere else, I know where, I won't tell any of you!

I'm disappointed Sir. You're a man of strong character. We all have our days I guess:rolleyes:

One response that comes to mind is a comment I read on a SD forum. A guy had run some #'s on his financial contribution to his state each year (property tax, income tax, sales tax, etc.). Then he gave an example of an NR visiting the state. I'm not willing to spend the time running the #'s, but I'm gonna guess it's a bit more than the average NR visitor. Following that bit of logic, aren't the fine residents of SD kinda subsidizing my visit to their fine state this season? Even if my $ were/is subsidizing them, I would consider their willingness to allow me to visit and roam would be considered fair trade.

That being said, I don't own land there nor did I come from there. I feel no sense of entitlement.

Non-Resident proposition....maybe KDWP... big sigh...T, would make an exception for the sportsmen landowners, who happen to reside in another state, but pay a certain amount of $ in property taxes each year. Radical maybe, but hey, I wanted to demostrate my intent; which is not to recieve a ride on the Gravy Train at your expense.
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wow O&N, i think there is more going on here than a little jealousy as a NR.

personally i don't feel offended at all by the idea and i will tell you why. on most opening days in Kansas there are knuckleheads parked by every WIHA waiting to jump out of their cars before it is even daylight and platoon through the field.

as a resident, as i used to be at one time, i would not even bother going out for the opener, unless i had private ground lined up. i see nothing wrong with allowing residents and landowners who are residents the first chance at hunting a resource a lot of them support in many ways through the whole year.

everyone who buys a license, resident or NR ends up supporting the WIHA program. the NR gets a license good for the year, which is a helluva lot better deal than SD or ND gives you, which is 10 days or 14 days at $120 a pop or more. what difference should one week make to a NR?
i contend it would be a respectful allowance that could be made to the state's people.
the NR's can still show up and hunt private ground, just like SD or ND. and i hardly think the Dakotas are "welfare states".....those states have hard working, friendly, polite folks and they don't stand around with their hands out either! :cool:

If you want to do something constructive, push for a delay in the quail opener for two weeks to relieve pressure on bob's applied by armies of pheasant hunters in that time period. Kansas used to have a delayed opener west of 81.

I don't really have a stand on the issue of resident non-resident opener, but I agree that the quail opener should not be at the same time as the pheasant opener.
i won't be hunting Kansas this year, I think I'll plow the farm and sell it,go somewhere else, I know where, I won't tell any of you!

If you are serious about selling the farm I would appreciate an opportunity to hear the details. I suspect it does not lie over the Ogallala aquifer and that would be to my liking. I had a chance to purchase a Linn County farm about 4 years ago and keep kicking myself for not doing it.
I don't think that you should limit the opening weekend to only in state residents. So if you son is now living out of state he can't hunt with you.

This is a slippery slope. I would just like to see the other states make an effort to improve thier states land and access programs. It take pressure off the states that have good programs.
Well, let me just put it this way, anyone who is in favor, can rest assured they will no longer have permission to hunt on my private land at any time : )
This is obviously a water shed issue. Maynard, I can't sell that ground, I plan to burried within sight! In the Greenbush community of Crawford County, west of Girard. I'm not going to be the guy to break the ownership chain. To everybody else, I do think the quail opener delay would solve a lot of problems for quail. As far as the non-res. issue, I suppose another thing we could do, is half the people on this board could quit bird hunting, that would reduce pressure. Who wants to volunteer! By the way there's a newby post from an Iowan on this very Kansas forum, asking for guidance. Dirty so and so had the gall to wipe out his states birds, now he's coming to get yours! Better go set him straight! I guess I'm dissapointed as well.
I don't think that you should limit the opening weekend to only in state residents. So if you son is now living out of state he can't hunt with you.


I'd not considered this scenario. That's why it's best to entertain/listen to opposing views. My sons will likely be outta staters someday. Of course, this would be something else to hold over their heads......
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I guess I'm dissapointed as well.

Tongue in cheek Sir. One of my weaknesses is letting my emotions interfere w/ my intellect. I had to give you a hard time b/c you're the kind of guy that typically argues with a sharp mind, keeping your emotions in check. That post just reminded me of me and that's the reason I said I was disappointed. I have a great deal of respect for you.

I too like the idea of splitting up the quail opener. They're just not like the pheasants.
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I would like to see the quail opener returned to the 3rd Sat. in November in western/central Kansas. I really liked the old format and like many of you believe that it would help reduce the pressure (on birds) during the opening week in the primary pheasant belt.

I respect many of the opinions posted here and can relate to the frustrations and problems we are all going thru. The reality is that upland bird numbers are down across the most of the USA and many of the traditional hot spots like IA, MO, OK and TX are dismal at best. As recently as 1980....1 million wild pheasants were harvested in nothing but pen raised on state lands. Iowa which rivaled SD for numbers of phez harvested 1million or more per year is at all time lows. Nebraska (with the exception) of the sw corner is way off the mark too.

The southeastern quail belt is basically a thing of the past.....

I would love to see other states.... start a WIHA type of program and invest in the future of our beloved sport. Here in my old Kentucky home, there is some habitat work and talk about a small scale walk in program....

Shaker Village is one of the quail focus areas and the KDFWR is running a lottery hunt for "wild" quail on this historic site....there is over 2K acres that much habitat work has been done and they claim there are over 30 wild coveys on the property......
Thinking outside the "box" for a moment, why couldn't there be certain exceptions to eligibility? That is, we wouldn't want to discourage wildlife enthusiasts/supporters from owning land in KS. Change the name from "resident only" and make exceptions when it makes sense to do so.

A friend owns land in ND and can't hunt the resident opener; it upsets him just as the original proposition of a KS resident opener upsets nwkansasnative and O&N. I'm not trying to win their favor here and I'm not running for mayor. I just think if KS were to do an early opener program, it wouldn't necessarily have to be a resident only opener. Offspring and/or parents of residents, along with landowners could qualify.

No, I haven't thought it out much. If we had a program, it wouldn't have to be a copy of the Dakotas' model. Maybe this can't even be discussed civily in this forum:confused:
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I'd not considered this scenario. That's why it's best to entertain/listen to opposing views. My sons will likely be outta staters someday. Of course, this would be something else to hold over their heads......

My opportunity to promote Kansas Lifetime License if you can. Bought both my sons LT's, told the wife it might be the only way to get them back to Dodge. Both live in KCMO now and yes it gets them back and they are considered residents for all tags.