Regardless of the source, decisions about land use comes down to $….whether it’s from the government or the free market, the farmer will be trying to maximize his income and at the same time minimize his expenses, consistent with his risk tolerance. Having family members that hunt is probably the most compelling reason a farmer leaves habitat vs burning, draining, chopping down, plowing, etc. The farmers I know who have pay hunters are the sons of farmers who hosted out of state hunters 50 years ago, and today it’s the sons who are playing host, and also, traveling to hunt. And in many cases there’s not enough land to hunt wild birds, so they release birds in corn strips or food plots…and they charge the hunters in order to defray their costs and maybe make it worth their while. I know one guy who is more geared toward pay hunting for the first month of the season, he has some good habitat of his own, and also, that he leases. Most of his $ is made from pheasant shooters, not hunters. They don’t have dogs, don’t realize that it’s unnatural for 90% of the birds to be roosters, etc. but they’re having fun, they keep returning!