Rain, rain, go away!!


Well-known member
Who would have thought early this summer that some areas would be hoping the rain would stop. Certainly the case in much of the area here around Watertown. We had over 4 inches the weekend before last and another 3/4 " last night. Water standing everywhere. The ground appears so saturated it can't soak in. Certainly going to delay the harvest this fall unless we get some drying weather in the next few weeks.
Got a feeling some folks are gonna show up in a couple weeks and wonder "what drought". The grass on some areas is going to look good now from the last month or so. Might be some head scratching as to why that grass has no birds in it. Glad I live here and got my scouting in for the last couple of months.
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lots of people read this forum, they know the damage done this summer, grass is purely window dressing and maybe good cover and more of it.......for the few seed birds that remain.