I also have heard and have saw a few birds this spring,as I did last spring.And,like you Cheesy,went out last season(about 5-6 times)and only saw 2 coveys.Neither which we shot at,too small.
As i have stated on this great fourm before,I live in Pittsburg,am 52 yrs old,so I know what the quail population should look like,boys they ain't here,and will probally never will be again.Unless the State steps in and help change the current habitat setup that we have. We can't blame the farmers,they have to make a living to.
I guarrentee(sp),if quail hunting was as big of a money maker as deer hunting is,are boys in Topeka and Pratt ,would NOT let it die the slow death that it is.
Sorry for the rant,but quail hunting is near and dear to my heart.