poison ivy


Active member
Hi All,

What are you using to kill poison ivy? Just regular old roundup? I mow and till for my tree plantings, but I got the stuff coming back strong in last year's trees. It's been so dry that I went out and watered all the trees last weekend. Sure enough, I got poison ivy!:eek: Looks like it is starting to sprout up around this year's new trees also.

I have weed barrier around all the trees, so it should be pretty easy to spot-spray the poison ivy without hitting the trees.

Is there a better chemical to use than roundup?

I use max rate of Roundup, spray leaves. Normally follow up with another dose If any regrowth shows up. If it is close to the drip line be very careful when spraying.
Any vines growing on trees, I cut during the winter near the base and treat with Torden RTU.

For anything growing leafy near the ground, I use a gly mix in a backpack sprayer.
41% Gly, crop oil and some type of AMS applied on the leaf will kill most growing plants. This combination is what I use when I want to burn down any tuff weeds and on poison IVY.
2-4d? Tordon can be hard on trees I thought.
Yes, it's potent stuff, so care is needed. I always cut the vines, but use a hand saw and am careful to not cut into the trees at all. I careful apply Tordon to only the surface of the cut vine and don't dribble it all over the ground. Being careful makes the small bottle of RTU last longer and reduces the amount making it into the ground.

The biggest concern with Tordon and trees is when applying it to a tree who's root system intertwines with that of another. Since the PI vines typically have a shallow root system compared to the trees, I haven't had any problems.
Thanks for all the great advice, guys!

I was hoping that tordon would work on the big, hairy vines without killing the tree. I have a couple of those to deal with, but mostly just need to control the ground spread.

I wish I could just ignore the stuff, but the rashes are getting old.:(
Have heard of som using rock salt on large areas where on the ground and free of trees. Haven't tried it though. There is also a lotion, similar to sunscreen now out to keep the oil from being absorbed into skin, maybe worth a try. I too am very allergic and usually make a least 1 trip a year to doc for a bennadry and prednisone shot.
We have a perfect storm for Poison Ivy growth. There are products that you can use directly after exposure called Tecnu ( go to sherrilltree.com). On the use of Tordon you can cut and paint it on the stubs of vines with a foam paint brush but wear gloves and then wash all clothes and tools with Tecnu to remove ushrol oils from the plant.
I have effectively used Round Up or Gly at a double rate appicalion with spreader sticker for max absortion by the target plant. If spraying make sure of your wind direction and speed. I like to apply in the morning or evenings for best results.

Good Luck.

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