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This is a non-partisan plea from a guy well-educated in finance (banking, economics, etc) asking everyone to oppose an increase in the debt ceiling. Call your representatives in the house and/or senate and object to any increase in the debt ceiling.

Whether you believe that raising income (i.e. tax revenue), or radical cuts in spending is the answer, we cannot afford to authorize an increase in our national debt, when we're already running a deficit and proposed budgets call for even more increases.

I would never make such a post if I didn't think it was of the utmost importance.

Please PM me if you would like to know why raising the debt ceiling is a very bad idea.
This is a non-partisan plea from a guy well-educated in finance (banking, economics, etc) asking everyone to oppose an increase in the debt ceiling. Call your representatives in the house and/or senate and object to any increase in the debt ceiling.

Whether you believe that raising income (i.e. tax revenue), or radical cuts in spending is the answer, we cannot afford to authorize an increase in our national debt, when we're already running a deficit and proposed budgets call for even more increases.

I would never make such a post if I didn't think it was of the utmost importance.

Please PM me if you would like to know why raising the debt ceiling is a very bad idea.

The only way I would be willing to raise the debt ceiling is if there is a gaurantee of two dollars spending cuts for every dollar raise in the ceiling.
This is a non-partisan plea from a guy well-educated in finance (banking, economics, etc) asking everyone to oppose an increase in the debt ceiling. Call your representatives in the house and/or senate and object to any increase in the debt ceiling.

Whether you believe that raising income (i.e. tax revenue), or radical cuts in spending is the answer, we cannot afford to authorize an increase in our national debt, when we're already running a deficit and proposed budgets call for even more increases.

I would never make such a post if I didn't think it was of the utmost importance.

Please PM me if you would like to know why raising the debt ceiling is a very bad idea.

I could not agree with you more..................... Why have a debt ceiling if you can raise it.:confused:
A Balanced Budget Amendment should also be on the front burner. I fail to understand why this is such a difficult concept for Washington to understand. :confused: Government should be run like any good business is run or like most of us run the finances of our households.
The problem as I have always seen it is a lack of accountability. Regardless of which side of the fence that you sit on, we the voting public needs to make our politicians accountable to us again. I ran a small business for many years. The one thing I know is that when more is going out than is coming in, something has to give. You can't have a debt limit and than just keep increasing it. Now is the time to start working on cutting expenditures, not increasing debt. I would love to have one of every type of gun, a few thousand acres to fart around on, and many other things. The reason I don't is that I am accountable................... to my wife. This country is in a severe state of crisis. I work around Federal and State government. Believe me there are plenty of things that could be cut.The home foreclosure crisis is not getting much better. Fannie Mae sends out a list of 150-200 new foreclosures everyday. That is only one outlet that we recieve. We need to get this crap figured out now as a society, working together. Not 2 parties pushing agendas for their lobbyists and special interests.
The problem as I have always seen it is a lack of accountability. Regardless of which side of the fence that you sit on, we the voting public needs to make our politicians accountable to us again. I ran a small business for many years. The one thing I know is that when more is going out than is coming in, something has to give. You can't have a debt limit and than just keep increasing it. Now is the time to start working on cutting expenditures, not increasing debt. I would love to have one of every type of gun, a few thousand acres to fart around on, and many other things. The reason I don't is that I am accountable................... to my wife. This country is in a severe state of crisis. I work around Federal and State government. Believe me there are plenty of things that could be cut.The home foreclosure crisis is not getting much better. Fannie Mae sends out a list of 150-200 new foreclosures everyday. That is only one outlet that we recieve. We need to get this crap figured out now as a society, working together. Not 2 parties pushing agendas for their lobbyists and special interests.

Very well said. :thumbsup: