Pic of Miss Dee


Deutscher Wachtelhund. She's a year and 1/2 old now and I dove hunted her last season and than went right into ducks . She did great
Just got back getting her snake proof She did fine but Baby ate the snakes bit the trainer and now his relaxing with full belly
wow that dose not look like a typical GERMAN SPANIEL at all???

looks like a small munsterlander but no white tail... or a german long haired pointer???

kinda big for a german spaniel??? plus it pointing like a well a pointer should??? lol
I don't think she's pointing, looks more like she's holding a bone in her mouth with one foot off the ground. Great looking dog SS.:cheers::coolpics:
I found the old dog Baby about 14 years ago walking in the middle of I 35 thought I would save him from getting hit than find him a home .Well never found a home and he hasn't got a minute smarter . But think about it he sleeps in, never has to swim in cold water for a duck and eats the same time Miss Dee does so who's smarter ?????