I don't have good pheasant numbers in my area, got to drive an hour and a half to get into them. But, I have 3 buddies that I hunt with and we all take turns driving. We usually leave around 5 in the morning, hunt from sun-up till noonish and then head home. We'd rather hunt all day, but we all have little ones at home and this is usually all we can get away with. But, most years we do this every Saturday. Usually hunt the same 4 or 5 areas every year and we usually get into enough birds to stay happy. We usually get away two or 3 times a year for weekend trips and these are always a good time. Usually try new places, eat at small town restaurants and enjoy seeing new areas. I guess if you're by yourself it could get expensive, I'd say try and find some buddies to hunt with to help share the cost.