Pheasants Forever


New member
In the new Spring issue of Pheasants Forever it said, there are two million pheasant hunters and only 125,000 are Pheasants Forever members. Ouch, thats not good. We need to encourage our fellow hunters to step up. There's also some good sales in the PF market place right now.
Best $35 a year your average pheasant hunter can spend. If even 25% of pheasant hunters were members and also took the time to write one email a year to their representatives supporting PF conservation intiatives some real positive things would happen. One doessn't have to be active in a local chapter to make a difference. When policy makers in Washington see impressive membership numbers and a united voice they take serious notice.

I've talked about it before but this is one of those small financial sacrafices we all should be willing to make for the future of the sport. Link to on-line membership page below:
Please Join PF

Pheasants Forever is doing everything in its power and within its budget to protect and enhance habitat for pheasants. As we all know, in Washington money talks and PF needs our money to get Congress's attention. Join today and start receiving PF's quarterly Journal which is a great magazine.
A litle off topic, but I noticed that Pheasants Forever is using Richard Louvâ??s book Last Child in the Woods, Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder as part of a movement to get kids out of the house and back out in to nature.

If you have kids, or even if you donâ??t, I recommend reading this book.
A litle off topic, but I noticed that Pheasants Forever is using Richard Louvâ??s book Last Child in the Woods, Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder as part of a movement to get kids out of the house and back out in to nature.

If you have kids, or even if you donâ??t, I recommend reading this book.

Thanks for the tip Rhodi, I am going to add that one to the "must read" list.
The cattlemen's association places a 1 dollar checkoff on all animals sold. It would be great if PF could get a buck for every pheasant license sold. 2 mil a year would go a long way.
Lets even think bigger, If they could increase their membership to 1 million then they would take in $30,625,000 more dollars thats alot of habitat anyway you cut it. Thats 50% of all pheasant hunters.
I'm 60 years old and went pheasant hunting for the first time in December. I've been a PF member for a couple of years. If you like to hunt you need to support organizations like PF, QU, and DU. I haven't hunted ducks or quail in years, but I want to support all the organizations that improve wildlife habitat.
I have a membership question

Ive been a PF member for many years but have always wondered if I need to join my local county chapter separately or does my info trickle down to them because of my address? What's the connection in membership etc?
I have a membership question

Ive been a PF member for many years but have always wondered if I need to join my local county chapter separately or does my info trickle down to them because of my address? What's the connection in membership etc?

I'm pretty sure the national org shares information with the local chapters. Although I'm not active locally I get invites to a couple of the chapters banquets every year. Also get the occaisional email from them too.

Participating locally is really an individual choice. If that is important to you contact them or attend a meeting/banquet. You membership makes you eligible.

I will do that someday but with two kids under seven and 60-hour work weeks it's just not practical for me at the moment.
While I am not active at the local level, except for helping with the youth hunt,I have been a memeber for the past 3-4 years. A good group trying to do the right thing. I see it as a very small cost for me to help out a sport I love.

Matt D
I have a membership question

Ive been a PF member for many years but have always wondered if I need to join my local county chapter separately or does my info trickle down to them because of my address? What's the connection in membership etc?

By being a member of PF you are already apart of your local chapter. Natinal PF and your local/county chapters are one. By it's nature, PF is a grassroots org.

$ for habitat comes from banquets your local chapters put on each year. The $ raised then goes toward habitat within your county, legislative funds for the battles in Was. D.C., equipment, etc. Little $ comes from natinal PF headquarters. This is way it's vital that members attend their local banquets.
Great thread subject....I just signed up. Think it would be great to periodically post this subject to get more folks involved :thumbsup:
Nice move on the "sticky" thread UGIDE! I've noticed as of today this thread has over 500 hits. I'm hopeful considering this forum is largely made up of pheasant hunters that many of those are members or considering joining PF.

Below, I've posted a link to Pheasants Foreverâ??s homepage. This link has a map of the U.S. Anyone can click on their state and look up their county to see if thereâ??s a chapter near you. If not, maybe conceder starting one. :cheers: