Pheasant Taxidermy

Wow that looks really good. I think I may get one done this year unless I shoot a canvasback during duck season. Nice mount though.
Wouldn't you think it would be easier to take a bird out of a pen and do a good job on it than to take it out of a dog's mouth after being shot? Wild or not, I don't think I could tell the difference when the bird is dead.


Was this a pen-raised bird or wild?
Oh KB if the bird came out of my molly's mouth you know that it would pretty much already be mounted and in perfect condition with all feathers not a bit out of place.:)
what are you charing per bird like that. i think it looks really good. where are you located? is it just a hobby of yours or do you do it for a living? thanks
More pics

I have more pictures of all kinds of animals if anyone is interested in seeing more. I would prefer to email them though... I can't get some of them on here, too big. The jumping pintail isn't finished but you get the idea... I will get more pictures of that one on here when its done.