I have noticed a theme throughout the forum in the last year, and at the risk of offending all sides, I think it should be addressed. We seem to have strong feelings about being discouraging even hostile, to non-resident hunters. I direct you to posts on the Kansas, Iowa, and North Dakota forums, just to name the most recent. The theme seems to be we don't have enough birds or open "public access", grounds or birds to share with the non-resident hunters. Complaints center on crowding, and it's related issue pay to hunt or leasing. So a guy comes to hunt and pays to lease ground, or day hunt, he's a sinner because he encourages farmers and ranchers to lease ground rather than let everyone hunt free, or he's villianized because he "crowds" public ground offending the somehow superior rights of the state resident hunters. Best example so far is an Iowa discussion about limiting non-residents, while at the same time on the Kansas board a guy from Iowa is looking for input to hunt in Kansas! Quail hunters, and ruffed grouse hunting has always been a clanish sport, ( maybe cultish), but pheasant hunting was a more the merrier type event. Now we accuse anyone new here who asks for advice,of wanting GPS coordinates to our personal hotspots. We are loosing hunters faster than birds, God forbid some rookie blunders into our little fiefdom and shoots, or scares a bird or two, becomes a devotee, and a life long pro hunting voter, and financial conservation supporter. I don't advocate you give specific directions, though I have come close in PM's, But general area advice, county wise, or area of a state? We could be a little more welcoming. I've reached the stage where the legacy of the sport that I leave behind is superior in my thoughts to the harvest of any particular bird, on any particular day or during any particular season. When I'm gone, or drolling in the nursing home, all I have left is the knowledge and experience I passed on, even to a complete stranger, that might, in some small way, encourage the continuation of the sport I love. In my opinion, we need to take a longer view.