Pheasant Hunters Inclusive or Exclusive

I have not been on this site that long, but I can see where there could be some in state people unhappy with the number of out of state hunters last season. It was many more than in past years.

One of the things that would help the number of people hunting is if some of the other states would make progress in access programs and bird numbers.

There are many people that can't afford to drive hundreds of miles to go bird hunting. Can you imagine how many people have quit hunting in OH, PA over the years now that the pheasant numbers are so low year after year.

The out of state hunters are important to the small KS towns. They need the money, and I support that. But lets see some activity in some of the other areas of the country. I would love to go on a grouse, woodcock, pheasant hunt in a place like OH or PA. Then I would be the out of stater.

Fellow Kansan, what do you think about the idea of restricting walk-in to residents the first week of the season as ND does?
I'm from the younger generation of upland bird hunter. My dad never took me upland hunting. I learned it from Friends. Now here I am chomping at the bit for the season to start.

I think there is a fine line when asking people were to hunt. With the internet today you can do a lot of your own research and figure a lot out on your own. Is is wrong to ask? NO but just like the guys that are older and have been doing this for more years than I am old. I'm not going to give away my secret spots that I have put a lot of time and hard earned $$$$ into figuring out.

If people want to learn more and become better at a sport they are learning they should join a PF or QF or ??? Chapter and I don't mean just pay your annual dues. Go to the meetings and help with the banquets. Do the roadside pickups help with youth events. You become Friends with the people that are as into it as you are.

I wont share were I hunt with random strangers but if someone in my chapter wants to go Ill take them to my spots. I'm 100% for growing the amount of new hunters but there is a way to properly go about things that is respectfully and correct.

Sorry this kind of turned into a rant and let me just say again I'm all for helping people that are new to the sport. I just am not a fan of people not putting in a little hard work and time to get the end result that we are all looking for.
I'm from the younger generation of upland bird hunter. My dad never took me upland hunting. I learned it from Friends. Now here I am chomping at the bit for the season to start.

I think there is a fine line when asking people were to hunt. With the internet today you can do a lot of your own research and figure a lot out on your own. Is is wrong to ask? NO but just like the guys that are older and have been doing this for more years than I am old. I'm not going to give away my secret spots that I have put a lot of time and hard earned $$$$ into figuring out.

If people want to learn more and become better at a sport they are learning they should join a PF or QF or ??? Chapter and I don't mean just pay your annual dues. Go to the meetings and help with the banquets. Do the roadside pickups help with youth events. You become Friends with the people that are as into it as you are.

I wont share were I hunt with random strangers but if someone in my chapter wants to go Ill take them to my spots. I'm 100% for growing the amount of new hunters but there is a way to properly go about things that is respectfully and correct.

Sorry this kind of turned into a rant and let me just say again I'm all for helping people that are new to the sport. I just am not a fan of people not putting in a little hard work and time to get the end result that we are all looking for.

Not a rant...another great post in what is becoming a great thread! Good advice for a new person too:thumbsup:
Fellow Kansan, what do you think about the idea of restricting walk-in to residents the first week of the season as ND does?

You didn't ask me but I'm a big-mouth, so I'm answering anyway.

YES, they should reward the KS citizen with a resident-only opener, just like SD and ND. Why not?:)
You didn't ask me but I'm a big-mouth, so I'm answering anyway.

YES, they should reward the KS citizen with a resident-only opener, just like SD and ND. Why not?:)

I'm not from the state but I also agree. It has nothing to do with looking down on out of state hunters. You are the ones that live there and you should be able to. I don't run into out of state hunters a lot in MN but opener is a zoo to begin with and I would find it frustrating.
Great post and good to see this being addressed. Most States, including internet forums pertaining to those States, will be friendly to the Non Res hunter. Most welcome hunters and the fun, money, and friendships they can bring to rural communities. I will not hunt ND however, their attitude towards the Non Res hunter leaves one feeling very unwelcome. Say what you like, this is just my opinion. The proof of this can be found within a couple talk forums that originalte in ND. Spend some time within these sites and you will see exactly what I am saying. I will not give a penny to NDG&F.
Fellow Kansan, what do you think about the idea of restricting walk-in to residents the first week of the season as ND does?

I agree totally.


My dad's best friend in high school farms in the middle of the state. I go out there and hunt quite a bit actually. We got to talking about all the pressure that they recieve and all the "outta staters" that were around. He was getting angry at all the trash that was left, how his fence was torn down in some spots and he was running folks off of his land. Said, that he wasn't going to allow any sort of outta staters on his land anymore.

That's one problem. One group giving the rest a bad name.

I'm a quail hunter, first and foremost. I love to watch my dogs, and work them. Killing birds ain't why I'm there. But for some out of staters, that's WHY they are there. I get that, and understand that. It's hunting for God's sake. But with quail, a good shot and a good dog can wipe out a covey fast. Down to a number where the rest won't survive the night. But with some folks, having to travel so far, they don't care about that, just about the birds that they get. I'm not saying this is the attitude that ALL outta staters have, but I've seen it, especially on the various boards. Some guy bragging about how he shot six or seven birds out of an eight bird covey. Well, I know you won't be back until next year, or whatever, but now that covey is gone.

Yes, I know I sound like an arrogant jerk.
Just playing devil's advocate, really.
And I know that I'm stereotyping but... That sort of stuff happens.

I'm going to be right there with Steve when he says that there are BB members coming in from outta state. I'm going to do my damndest to get them into birds.
I think we can all agree that technology has changed the way that most newcomers introduce themselves to the sport of hunting. It doesn't matter if it is upland birds, waterfowl, deer, elk, antelope, you get the idea. It is up to the individual to decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but the result of this type of introduction is always the same. The "newbie" is always and I means always instructed to find this or that type of cover/habitat. "If you find this type of habitat you'll find the birds", as an example. Most have found this type of habitat by spending lots of money in gas and boot leather, some have found it by asking permission, some have found it through paying "fees" and others by sure luck. So for me the "overcrowding" issue is solely a lack of suitable habitat to spread the hunters far and wide.

As far as introducing someone new to the outdoors and leaving a legacy; that starts with an individual commitment to the Ethics of Hunting. Most "hunters" need to get over themselves and get past the bag limits and commercialization of hunting.

For the guys in Kansas, I am one of those out of state hunters that would support a Resident Only opener.
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You didn't ask me but I'm a big-mouth, so I'm answering anyway.

YES, they should reward the KS citizen with a resident-only opener, just like SD and ND. Why not?:)

LMAO!!!!! <is that 10 characters??>
I agree totally.


My dad's best friend in high school farms in the middle of the state. I go out there and hunt quite a bit actually. We got to talking about all the pressure that they recieve and all the "outta staters" that were around. He was getting angry at all the trash that was left, how his fence was torn down in some spots and he was running folks off of his land. Said, that he wasn't going to allow any sort of outta staters on his land anymore.

That's one problem. One group giving the rest a bad name.

I'm a quail hunter, first and foremost. I love to watch my dogs, and work them. Killing birds ain't why I'm there. But for some out of staters, that's WHY they are there. I get that, and understand that. It's hunting for God's sake. But with quail, a good shot and a good dog can wipe out a covey fast. Down to a number where the rest won't survive the night. But with some folks, having to travel so far, they don't care about that, just about the birds that they get. I'm not saying this is the attitude that ALL outta staters have, but I've seen it, especially on the various boards. Some guy bragging about how he shot six or seven birds out of an eight bird covey. Well, I know you won't be back until next year, or whatever, but now that covey is gone.

Yes, I know I sound like an arrogant jerk.
Just playing devil's advocate, really.
And I know that I'm stereotyping but... That sort of stuff happens.

I'm going to be right there with Steve when he says that there are BB members coming in from outta state. I'm going to do my damndest to get them into birds.

i think you actually bring up a great point. When i travel to other states to hunt, I represent myself and my state the best i can. When someone decimates a small covey, or rolls on public land with 8-10 dogs, that is not what i would classify as being a good sportsman or steward of the land. That is what many don't get, their is a huge difference between being a sportsman and being a hunter. Leaving trash behind, or tearing up fences give all hunters a bad name. All I can say is I have hunted with a small group, 2-3 guys, been respectfull and have never had a problem in other states. I know I would tend to help another like myself quicker than I would a large group with a bunch of dogs from another state. Just like my dad used to say, it takes 10 good jobs to get a referral, and only one bad one to get 100 bad ones. This probably applies here to. One bad group will leave a bad taste with many, while many small groups slip in and out of our state while barely being noticed.
I'm a quail hunter, first and foremost. I love to watch my dogs, and work them. Killing birds ain't why I'm there. But for some out of staters, that's WHY they are there. I get that, and understand that. It's hunting for God's sake. But with quail, a good shot and a good dog can wipe out a covey fast. Down to a number where the rest won't survive the night. But with some folks, having to travel so far, they don't care about that, just about the birds that they get. I'm not saying this is the attitude that ALL outta staters have, but I've seen it, especially on the various boards. Some guy bragging about how he shot six or seven birds out of an eight bird covey. Well, I know you won't be back until next year, or whatever, but now that covey is gone.

So here is the question then. Do you think that the guys shooting 6 out of the 8 know that they are going to wipe out the covey or are they just un-educated about it?
I take an different view.I am a Kansas Non-resident, but own ground in Kansas, Land that's never been titled to anyone but us since Kansas became a state, my ancestors fought, survived, died and are buried in the sod within a mile of the homestead. I pay taxes in Kansas, do habitat work in Kansas spent every summer of my life in Kansas, been hunting Kansas since before most of you were born. Why should I be treated like a second class citizen, like I'm treated in North Dakota, or South Dakota. I haven't been back to either for mostly that reason. You guys are making my point for me! Including one of you that I basically gave map co-ordinates to when PM'ed with a request for info about certain out of state opportunities! Imagine if you were me how you would feel to be included in the great unwashed evil non-resident group. I continue to be amazed that Kansans, who live here, have access to private ground, which assumably someone controls access to, whine about non-residents who hunt WIHA. What the heck are you doing pressuring WIHA anyway? If you have lived here for more than 3 years and need to hunt WIHA sites, your either lazy or unpresentable. It's like complaining that just anybody can hunt a state PUBLIC wildlife area! Needing the state to protect you from the non-res with a two week freebie, is really weak. Now if you want to push for a delay in the quail opener for two weeks either west of 81 as it used to be, or statewide, I am a supporter, eliminates the pressure on quail from big groups of pheasant hunters who are mostly go home and quit after the easy pheasants are gone. Just bear in mind if the non-resident bird hunters stay home or go elsewhere, so will WIHA. It's paid for by Pittman Robertson funds paid for by taxes on sportsmen nationwide, may of whom will never hunt Kansas.
I take an different view.I am a Kansas Non-resident, but own ground in Kansas, Land that's never been titled to anyone but us since Kansas became a state, my ancestors fought, survived, died and are buried in the sod within a mile of the homestead. I pay taxes in Kansas, do habitat work in Kansas spent every summer of my life in Kansas, been hunting Kansas since before most of you were born. Why should I be treated like a second class citizen, like I'm treated in North Dakota, or South Dakota. I haven't been back to either for mostly that reason. You guys are making my point for me! Including one of you that I basically gave map co-ordinates to when PM'ed with a request for info about certain out of state opportunities! Imagine if you were me how you would feel to be included in the great unwashed evil non-resident group. I continue to be amazed that Kansans, who live here, have access to private ground, which assumably someone controls access to, whine about non-residents who hunt WIHA. What the heck are you doing pressuring WIHA anyway? If you have lived here for more than 3 years and need to hunt WIHA sites, your either lazy or unpresentable. It's like complaining that just anybody can hunt a state PUBLIC wildlife area! Needing the state to protect you from the non-res with a two week freebie, is really weak. Now if you want to push for a delay in the quail opener for two weeks either west of 81 as it used to be, or statewide, I am a supporter, eliminates the pressure on quail from big groups of pheasant hunters who are mostly go home and quit after the easy pheasants are gone. Just bear in mind if the non-resident bird hunters stay home or go elsewhere, so will WIHA. It's paid for by Pittman Robertson funds paid for by taxes on sportsmen nationwide, may of whom will never hunt Kansas.

I'll bite. I'm assuming you are talking about me. I still have the PM. No where did I ask for specifics. All I asked for was "is this a good place to start to get my dog training done." The place I was asking about was over 70,000 acres. I didn't ask for anything specific. Just some place to run dogs and 'train'. I wasn't even going to shoot birds. So in that aspect, I don't feel like I was trying to hit anyone up for specifics. I was going to head to that spot regardless, but saw that you had experience there. That's why I sent that PM. I never did go, had health issues right before the trip. And then I heard the numbers were awful.. :(
I don't feel that it's also fair to just assume that because someone who has lived in Kansas for over three years and still hunts walk - in is lazy. You want to talk about a stereotype.
The bolded portion of the above is flat why I hate to see quail spots thrown around on public forums like this, to be honest. For every one guys who post on forums like this, how many do you think read it and DON'T post? 10, 100, 1,000? God only knows.
So here is the question then. Do you think that the guys shooting 6 out of the 8 know that they are going to wipe out the covey or are they just un-educated about it?

That's a good question. I guess there is so much that we assume people know, that they don't.
That's a good question. I guess there is so much that we assume people know, that they don't.

The reason I ask is if it was not for this forum I would have never known. Ive never had the opurtunity to hunt quail but I plan to one day and im glad I know this now.
The reason I ask is if it was not for this forum I would have never known. Ive never had the opurtunity to hunt quail but I plan to one day and im glad I know this now.

I personally try not to spread a covey out after around 3 pm, so they get some time to get back together and covey up. And I don't want to shoot at covey's smaller then six or so, or they probably won't make it through the winter.
Couple of points:

1. I totally think a resident only opener is a good thing. I WISH we had this problem in Illinois. We don't have enough birds for people to waste their time traveling here. To that end, I do protect my good spots, and will take them to the grave with me.

2. I am always respectful when hunting someone elses land no matter if it's in my back yard or another state. I had the unfortunate experience of hunting in Iowa several years ago with a group of guys from Illinois, and I wound up leaving after 1 day. I was embarassed to even be in the same group. I knew these guys pretty well, but couldn't believe how they acted in the field. I actually witnessed one of them in the vehicle in front of mine jump out of the truck, flush a bird in a road ditch and after shooting it, the bird landed on somebody's garage roof. They actually got on the persons roof and got the bird. This is one of the main reasons today that I primarily hunt solo.

3. Good point on the quail, I doubt a lot of hunters don't know by overshooting a covey can have devastating affects on the remaining birds.
I know many people do not like non resident hunters and anglers for that matter because they feel that they are nothing but competition for the same land/birds as they are out for. I feel that as a resident of SD we try to cater to the out-of-stater because it is a HUGE economy boost here. If anyone feels as the state does not appreciate their business please try SD. Opening week or two is a little tough to find a spot but after that, finding land and birds shouldn't be a problem.
Many states wouldn't have F & G with non -res

I like this discussion, good thread. One point that I don't think that has been brought up is that most western Fish and Game Departments (DNR,etc) wouldn't have much for funding without non-residents. I am a resident of Montana, it takes a lot of $20 elk tags to pay a biologist salary, compared to non-residents paying over $900 or $7.50 for upland birds versus $110. Everytime they propose raising residents license, people complain that they are already to high!