Pheasant hunter kills charging grizzly bear

The Heritage Foundation is quite respectable regardless of what J says. Yes, they are right leaning as they beleive in the Constitution. In fact they hand out free copies (obvious plot of somekind?). Unfortunately there are many people who do not care or believe in the Constitution.
Where does all the $ for all the studies on global warming come from?
My pappy said "Beleive half of what you see and nothing of what you hear and you'll do fine."
Medical Marijuana Patient
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You pick apart my typing skills because I put an"R" where it wasn't supposed to be how desperate are you to in order to make a point ??

Nope. You didn't know shrill from shill.

Do you have to be in a certain field in order to who's qualified and who's not to write or talk about global warming ??

Yes, you need to have the appropriate education and knowledge to understand a complex problem. An astrophysicist is not a climatologist.

hell Al Gore made a movie about GW but he is not a climatologist or a meteorologist,

Al Gore relied on climatologists.

and tell me when climatology has been accurate in forecasting hurricanes or Climate models accurate in projecting future climates ??

You're confused. Weather forecasts are done by meteorologists, not climatologists. There's a big difference between climate and weather.

From what I understand aren't we supposed to be above normal temperatures right now ??

Again you're confused about the difference between climate and weather. What happens for a day, or a month, or a year is weather.

Here, I'll help you out again -

weath·er (wr)
1. The state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.

cli·mate (klmt)
1. The meteorological conditions, including temperature, precipitation, and wind, that characteristically prevail in a particular region.

It works like this - the average rainfall here is 44"/year. That's climate.

- last year it rained 36". Next year it might rain 50". That's weather.

Know what Norman you have proved once again that people like you still have something to prove in your life or you feel the world owes you something or maybe it might be a manhood thing or getting pick on during the high school days hell I don't know, but I think you need to buy a big mirror a cashmere sweater and look in the mirror saying "I like myself, I want people to like me ,I am good person inside". ;)

So now you're both a climate expert and a psychologist?

You're always good for a laugh, Mr Hyde. Say, are you some kind of foreigner? I want to see your Birth Certificate.
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The Heritage Foundation is quite respectable regardless of what J says. Yes, they are right leaning as they beleive in the Constitution. In fact they hand out free copies (obvious plot of somekind?). Unfortunately there are many people who do not care or believe in the Constitution.
Where does all the $ for all the studies on global warming come from?
My pappy said "Beleive half of what you see and nothing of what you hear and you'll do fine."

That's really cute, handing out copies of the Constitution. Does their handout include all the Amendments too?

There are some folks who just love to wave their copy of the Constitution. Maybe you know some of them, you know, the ones who read this -

Second Amendment - Bearing Arms

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

to mean that they have a Constitutional right to own a .50 cal Browning, a bazooka, a SCUD missile, poison gas, a Bofors, and a plutonium bomb.

Those are all "arms" right?

Of course they ignore the "well regulated militia" part as though it doesn't exist.

So which are you, Uncle Constitution? Do you think the Constitution gives you the right to own a nuke?

Are you a Glenn Becker who claims to love the Constitution, but hates Article Three which created the Supreme Court?
Global Warming

Global Warming is not a result of mankind on the planet. I read alot of BS and "facts" that are more propaganda than fact. NOAA has an agenda and that agenda is to support the idea of Man Made Global Warming. Funding is dependent on the idea. Here is the breakdown of the Global Warming Gases including the largest and that is water vapor.
Anthropogenic (man-made) Contribution to the "Greenhouse
Effect," expressed as % of Total (water vapor INCLUDED) Based on concentrations (ppb) adjusted for heat retention characteristics % of All Greenhouse Gases
GAS Total Natural Man Made Water vapor 95.000% 94.999% 0.001%
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 3.618% 3.502% 0.117%
Methane (CH4) 0.360% 0.294% 0.066%
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 0.950% 0.903% 0.047%
Misc. gases ( CFC's, etc.) 0.072% 0.025% 0.047%
Total 100.00% 99.72 0.28%

Man produces on .28% of the total Greenhouse Gases. Yes, for you that are challenged with math the number is less than 3 tenths of a percent. Cutting half (50%) of our emission would not decrease or have an effect on anything. Wake up and stop watching the idiot newsreaders and Al Gore, who will be the first to make a Billion $ on this junk science. The eruption of Mount Penetubo emmitted more greenhouse gases into the air than mankind has since the beginning of time. So you GW believers, it is only a belief, not fact that man is the cause or contributes to GW. Why I commented here, I have been pheasant hunting in SD for 47 years and still own acrage there that is dedicated to the production of wild birds. Yes, the land is set aside only for the pheasants. Cover-food-water. I estimate that the land raised over 10K chicks this season.

The Doctor
Proud to wave the Constitution? YES.
The bazooka argument is so yesterday.
The Amendments apply specifically to the Peoples and States rights.
The Tenth Amendment IS THE MOST VIOLATED OF ALL BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. It was obliterated by the Interstate Commerce Act.
Have you read Thomas Jefferson or any of the Founding father's on the Second Amendment?
Subaru b9sc history
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I mention the Constitution and j-bro rockets off on a tangent re the second amendment and stoops to the old name calling. This guy really knoes how to connect the dots. Just waiting to hear the B word.
Have you figured a way to capture all the methane gas from God's creatures yet?
Chrysler K Engine Specifications
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I mention the Constitution and j-bro rockets off on a tangent re the second amendment and stoops to the old name calling. This guy really knoes how to connect the dots. Just waiting to hear the B word.
Have you figured a way to capture all the methane gas from God's creatures yet?

What's the "B" word?

You've got to admit, we have stopped lots of God's creatures from emitting gas, especially on the Great Plains. What was once, just two hundred years ago, the greatest abundance of wildlife anywhere on earth, is now home to virtually no Bison, Antelope, Elk or wolves. What happened, Uncle Buck, did the wolves eat them all up? Maybe it was the Indians who wiped out the Bison, right?

I know you like to eat Elk, and not all that long ago, you could have shot them out of your back door. Now I'm afraid you'll have to be content eating cow. Our ancestors fixed that for you. (Well, not mine, since they all arrived here after 1890).

Interesting, you don't mention Bush's violation of the Fourth Amendment.

FOURTH AMENDMENT [U.S. Constitution] - 'The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.'

"Warrants? We don't need no steenking warrants."
- G.W. Bush
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You hit the B word! Groucho's duck just landed.
Name one individual whose 4th Amendments rights were violated by George Bush and be specific. For every one you name, I can come up with 10 who were violated by the President preceding him.
Drug test kit
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Okay, if the UN really scares you and it sounds like you oppose their efforts, realize that if it weren't for the UN Security Council we would not be able to position military ships in the Gulf of Aden to guard our precious oil tankers that fuel our entitled society.

All of those topics that you mention as priorities are related to climate change. They are called externalities. Externalities are variables not directly attributable to certain outcomes, but they occur nonetheless. Example: The fact that we extensively rely on foreign energy is a security threat both militarily and economically.
I certainly do not disagree with your last statement---Drill baby drill.
Honda cm400
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J-BRO--Take a few shots at Sarah. Recycle some jokes about Cheney shooting someone in the face. McCain about being old. Get it out of your system. You need some cleansing therapy. You'll feel better(like Dave Letterman) and then maybe you can move forward instead of looking in the rear view mirror.
My ancestors came from Czechoslovakia and Sweden in the late 1800's. I nor they exterminated the buffalo (they were in fact saved in SD by Scotty Phillips and I beleive we have the largest number of any State or Province in North America). We have a good number of antelope, plenty of moutain lions and the largest pheasant herd anywhere in the world. The deer are thicker than ticks as are and we are always number 1 or two when it comes to waterfowl. I am quite proud actually. If we have screwed it up out here, I cannot understand why you would want to visit such a desolate place.
Neither I or my ancestors have shot a Native American, wiped out any animals or owned a slave. I have no guilt, just my, family, dogs, guns and Bible.
Presumably you would eradicate all pheasants as they are a non-native species?
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J-BRO--Take a few shots at Sarah. Recycle some jokes about Cheney shooting someone in the face. McCain about being old. Get it out of your system. You need some cleansing therapy. You'll feel better(like Dave Letterman) and then maybe you can move forward instead of looking in the rear view mirror.
My ancestors came from Czechoslovakia and Sweden in the late 1800's. I nor they exterminated the buffalo (they were in fact saved in SD by Scotty Phillips and I beleive we have the largest number of any State or Province in North America). We have a good number of antelope, plenty of moutain lions and the largest pheasant herd anywhere in the world. The deer are thicker than ticks as are and we are always number 1 or two when it comes to waterfowl. I am quite proud actually. If we have screwed it up out here, I cannot understand why you would want to visit such a desolate place.
Neither I or my ancestors have shot a Native American, wiped out any animals or owned a slave. I have no guilt, just my, family, dogs, guns and Bible.
Presumably you would eradicate all pheasants as they are a non-native species?

I'm glad to have woken you up, Uncle B. And I hope for another opportunity to help rid SD of those pesky Chinese fowl.

I don't know any new Palin jokes, but I'm sure the next time she opens her mouth she'll supply some. And, yes, I do remember that I owe you a drink. :cheers:
J I cannot understand why you would want to visit such a desolate place.
Neither I or my ancestors have shot a Native, wiped out any animals or owned a slave. I have no guilt, just my, family, dogs, guns and Bible.
Presumably you would eradicate all pheasants as they are a non-native species?


I would love to a resident of SD, when I retire it will either be SD or ND, actually I think both!!! Until then I will be a decated husband and parent in MN. :(