You pick apart my typing skills because I put an"R" where it wasn't supposed to be how desperate are you to in order to make a point ??
Nope. You didn't know shrill from shill.
Do you have to be in a certain field in order to who's qualified and who's not to write or talk about global warming ??
Yes, you need to have the appropriate education and knowledge to understand a complex problem. An astrophysicist is not a climatologist.
hell Al Gore made a movie about GW but he is not a climatologist or a meteorologist,
Al Gore relied on climatologists.
and tell me when climatology has been accurate in forecasting hurricanes or Climate models accurate in projecting future climates ??
You're confused. Weather forecasts are done by meteorologists, not climatologists. There's a big difference between climate and weather.
From what I understand aren't we supposed to be above normal temperatures right now ??
Again you're confused about the difference between climate and weather. What happens for a day, or a month, or a year is weather.
Here, I'll help you out again -
weath·er (wr)
1. The state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.
cli·mate (klmt)
1. The meteorological conditions, including temperature, precipitation, and wind, that characteristically prevail in a particular region.
It works like this - the average rainfall here is 44"/year. That's climate.
- last year it rained 36". Next year it might rain 50". That's weather.
Know what Norman you have proved once again that people like you still have something to prove in your life or you feel the world owes you something or maybe it might be a manhood thing or getting pick on during the high school days hell I don't know, but I think you need to buy a big mirror a cashmere sweater and look in the mirror saying "I like myself, I want people to like me ,I am good person inside".