
Bostick can pass that buck to McCarthy for using Denny Greens play book of how to run out the clock LMAO. 5 minutes left in a championship game and your content ? That was classic Dennis Green :). Love it.:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Who were the Imposters posing as Colts players?

Oh wait... the Patriots are just that good.

On paper it should be a good match-up for the Superbowl. Anyone care to make a prediction?
Gave it to the 'Hawks? How about the 'Hawks not giving up? Heed what Yogi said: "It ain't over 'til it's over." I'll credit the Pack for outplaying Seattle in the first half. In the second half? Not so much.
I hope McCarthy got the game ball. Bostic had one bad play, McCarthy had a game full of bad decisions.
I still think its all rigged.

You might just be right Springer. Now the NFL is investigating whether or not the Patriots used deflated footballs during last nights game. If found true this will be the second incident of cheating on the part of the Patriots with spygate being the first. If it wasn't for spygate i might be inclined to think this is nonsense, either way, this wasn't going to change the outcome of the game.
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They do not use the same footballs! Each team has their own! It would not have changed the score any, but if they fine Marshawn for not talking they certainly will take some picks away again if found to be true! McDaniels was in on that spygate deal and would not be surprised if he knew this was happening. Sad that it in some way tarnishes what they have accomplished as an organization for so long. I just don't get why they think they need to do stupid stuff like this! I am going to root for the seachickens since my other 2 teams I wanted to win crash landed!!!:D
It is my understanding that the home team are responsible to supply 36 footballs to be used for the game. Who is in charge of inflating and or checking the pressure which is supposed to be between 12.5 and 13.5 lbs, I dunno?

IF the Pats some how finagled a way so that they were using the deflated footballs it makes it easier to grip and last nights game was wet. Whether true or not the outcome of the game was not going to hinge on a a deflated football.
New insurance ad for Daaaable chack. :laugh:

Now I had to laugh at that!!!:D

I guess the NFL found 11 out of the 12 footballs used by the Pats were 2 lbs. short of the requirement. Game balls are inspected 2hr and 15 minutes before game time by the referee and are not to be tampered with in any way. So now the big question of whodunnit??? Poor Hoody!!!
We'll .... regardless of who done it, the Patriots are responsible for those 12 balls. I say take away a first round draft pick and If Bellacheat knew about it I think because of spygate, you suspend him like they did Shawn Payton for 1 season.
We'll .... regardless of who done it, the Patriots are responsible for those 12 balls. I say take away a first round draft pick and If Bellacheat knew about it I think because of spygate, you suspend him like they did Shawn Payton for 1 season.

It always boils down to lack of institutional control. Which means COACH is always responsible, no matter if he denies it or had nothing to do with it. I would expect the NFL to carry a heavy hand since this year has not been the best for them!!
Yeah, this has been a historically terrible years past for the NFL PR wise. I'm still amazed that Goodell still has his job as he is ultimately responsible for the mess that encountered this past year.

As far as this latest deflategate, If Spygate had never happened I think this thing would not have festered to the point it is now. But since the Pats were convicted guilty of that and now it would seem breaking the rules AGAIN with deflating footballs, the NFL as you stated has no choice to come down hard, partly because the league has already been tarnished from improperly handled issues in 2014. A message has to be sent that cheating isn't going to be tolerated and that repeat offenders especially, will be dealt with swiftly and severely.
What really gets me is that, the Pats would have destroyed the Colts deflate or not..... there was no reason to screw with footballs.
It is so simple let the reefs provide the balls end of problem. I am so tired of the nfl and there over payed actors.
It is so simple let the reefs provide the balls end of problem. I am so tired of the nfl and there over payed actors.

I agree have the refs or a designated NFL employee control all balls during the game.

In a way the refs are involved. They inspect each of the 12 balls provided by each team, checking condition and inflation pressure 2 hours before each game. They are then given to each teams equipment person who puts them into a large bag. What happens after that is not monitored by referee's. The short amount of handling between plays and such by the refs i doubt would detect a small reduction of air pressure. A former long time ref was on ESPN walking us thru what happens with footballs before and during the game.
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I haven't checked in for a while. Hopefully you Pack fans felt as dumbstruck after the game with Seattle as I did after Dallas' game with the Pack. Sometimes karma just comes back and gets ya. I actually feel a little bad for the Pack. Aaron Rodgers s solid, so are the fans. Too bad Dean Blandinos karma screwed you.....after he screwed us.