OT- homemade meals while on the road

I don't have much need for fancy stuff while hunting. A homemade deli sandwich is as hoity-toity as I get, although typically Ace & I settle for a couple beef sticks & bottled water from the kitchen sink. That said, a friend somewhat recently turned us on to possibly the most Gucci hunting food imaginable. Vienna Sausages, straight from the can, on Saltines, with a little butter. They're cheap, easy, don't take up much room, & taste like Heaven. Hadn't tried them in years, & I'm so glad they're back in my life, further enriching my hunting experience.
I ate them exactly that way for years when around my grandpa. After a probably 20 year gap I grabbed some from the store and and couldn't hardly get 2 of them down hahaha. Somehow they didn't hit the same these days🤷‍♂️
Good oysters in a can over triskets are good and Gucci too :)
Even better - open the can and drain half the juice. Throw in a knob of butter, parsley, garlic, and cajun seasoning - cover with parm cheese and let it roast over the fire for 5 mins. Then throw that on a cracker! Always been a go to dinner. That and freezing a big pot of chili and using that as ice in the cooler until one of the last days your out.
Had an uncle who chewed Copenhagen - snoose as he called it. When I was 13 when he pulled out his can, I asked him what it tasted like. He thrust the can at me and said, "Here. Try some." I put a clump behind my lower lip like he did and 20 seconds later was seeing stars, lying back, and breathing hard. Big laugh for him.
Had an uncle who chewed Copenhagen - snoose as he called it. When I was 13 when he pulled out his can, I asked him what it tasted like. He thrust the can at me and said, "Here. Try some." I put a clump behind my lower lip like he did and 20 seconds later was seeing stars, lying back, and breathing hard. Big laugh for him.

Yep, the old timers and their snus! Norwegian or Swedish descendent?
In my trips out there, during the day I live on meat sticks, sausage and cheese on crackers, protein bars and sandwiches if I took the time to throw it in the cooler. Cooking on a burner out in the field always sounds remote and romantic while sitting at my compuker but I never seem to want to take the time and clean up to do it.