one training tip per reply: add yours


New member
I thought it would help all of us, especially those of us newer in the dog training field, add one tip per reply please, I will go first: Never shock a dog u cannot see, it may be on point, shocking may teach it that pointing is bad! next?????
do not introduce gun fire to a young dog at close range. start with a cap gun while dog is chasing a flushed bird or launched bird.
b g
Do not use a shock collar on a dog unless you are positive the dog knows the Command Given and is just not responding.........Bob
Let the dog progress at his pace, which may or may not coincide with your expectations. In two years, you won't remember that it took an extra month to get him to ______.
Do your best to keep your mouth shut, your lips off the whistle, and your fingers off the e-collar with young dogs learning how to hunt. Their nose is a million times better than yours, give 'em a chance to figure it all out!
Let your puppy be a puppy. Let it explore and be a puppy for several months before you start any field training.
Dog Slow to Come?

Your dog slow to come and you're angry when it does return? That's the worst time time to punish. Make the dog's return to you a happy event with petting and "good dog!" two or three times, even with a treat, and it will come back sooner and sooner. If you punish it when it finally comes, someday it may just not come back at all because you have inadvertently trained it to hate coming to you.
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Respect your dog, he knows more what is happening than you do........Bob
Learn to read your dog, Most will try to tell you where the bird is. Plus other things that happen while hunting. Mine does it with his eyes mostly........Bob
Be consistent with your commands and what you expect them to do after the command. Example Heel means heel at your side not come in the general area.
Reward...just like the past 30 years of teaching/coaching; always end with a positive reward. Praise, treat, or a pat on the head goes along way.
Remember the dog is not a tool like the shotgun, once season is over don't put the dog up like you do the gun. Continue to train!
Learn to read your dog, Most will try to tell you where the bird is. Plus other things that happen while hunting. Mine does it with his eyes mostly........Bob
I am learning this, after my trip to Kansas, several times my dog wanted to go one way and I changed his direction only to watch large flushes in the area he wanted to go with road hunters getting birds we pushed and me turning him instead of following, acting like I knew more than him? Lesson learned!
excerise your dog everyday and you'll have the best dog in town. Oh, and make pup work to be fed. Sit and stay commands go real quick if you feed em rewards for dinner and breakfast instead of letting them just chow down.