Old photos

Uncle Buck

New member
I did not find any real old ones as my first of 1958, but have some good old memories of great hunts.
My 15 minutes of fame hunting with Tom Brokow. He is on far right and I am in the middle. Tune in on the bird to the far right and see if you can zoom in. It is huge, the biggest bird I have ever seen. It was a released bird, but it had been released the year before living thru a very tuff '96-'97 winter. We had tagged 100 birds the fall before and let them go in the field. We shot fifty tagged birds over the season. This was very close to Sioux Falls.
1983. We hunted a mile "minimum maintinence" road east of Centerville, SD on Thanksgiving Day and got a limit, rare in those days in that area. We called it the Thanksgiving Ditch from then on and shot some birds there, but never a limit again.
I married into the dog, Kota, half Irish Setter and half Bluetick. We wasn't too bad!!!
These pics are sweet Buck. I'm glad I reread that first post and took another look at the pheasant. That things is a monster. :coolpics:
You two look like a couple NY gangstas on a hunt in that shot.:D:coolpics:
Gotta love it. There is another thread on here with a bunch of old shots. I need to figure out how to do that so you guy's can see me in my mullet and levi jean jacket.:thumbsup:
Good way to honor my old man that passed away at 87 a couple summers ago. I think he gave me that side by side in pheasant photo when I was 16 and that was it.





Thanks Dad!
Wow this is a cool topic:10sign: I like all the :coolpics: wish I could post mine making me laugh looking at them. I got the Pics when I shoot 5 ducks in one shot and the goose I shot going over the building spot even got some pig poop on it because it landed in the pig pen:D The big stringer of bullheads:eek: Memory lanes fun.
JS, That was a heck of a beard. I had one but had to shave it for Verizon and am now in the process of trying to keep one but this time trimmed and groomed "professionally." :thumbsup::cheers:
UGUIDE- mine are mostly old black and whites- dad and mom bought a fish camp up in northern Minnesota after the war

chuckling- that dyed red coveralls really brings back memories-
No BS thats not the thread, but I do have a scanner, just not sure how to use it.:D Chris I love the rides:thumbsup: too bad we don't still have some of those old cars in a shed looking like new.

I would love to merge all these old photo threads togeather if some one can remember where it was. I think it was last summer.
When Uncle Buck originally started this thread I knew I had an old photo around but couldn't find it. I finally ran across it today. It was taken the Fall of '60. I'm the skinny kid on the left. I was 14 at the time.

nice pictures guys.
1960 the year I was born..:thumbsup:
Wonderful Pic's and yes 1960 is the year I was born. I like looking at old pics of hunting very much. Thanks for sharing them.:thumbsup:
What? They didn't have color film back then??????? LOL Great photo young man!!:10sign::cheers:
Wonderful Pic's and yes 1960 is the year I was born. I like looking at old pics of hunting very much. Thanks for sharing them.:thumbsup:

dec 4 for me.. I wasnt around yet when photo was taken..:D:thumbsup: