O/U with a Student Budget


New member
If anyone has a decent O/U for around $500, I'd love to snag it. I realize most are above this price range, but thought I'd throw this out there. Would also be happy with the right semi/pump
Might. Keep an eye out for miruko??? Think that is close spelling. They’re factory made or makes the citori for browning ,Imo the are very underrated compared to citoris for nearly triple the price.
Might. Keep an eye out for miruko??? Think that is close spelling. They’re factory made or makes the citori for browning ,Imo the are very underrated compared to citoris for nearly triple the price.

MIROKU….. there are a couple listed on guns international now for 699. Ish? See them at local gun shows to for 500.00 or so? Good luck
You might be able to find a CZ bobwhite for that price of close to it, probably not new but i have seen them on gunbroker and other sites.
I might get some flak for this, but I purchased a 12ga Stoeger Condor in 2018 and love the thing. It fits me well, and I've never had a misfire or any other issue. Points well, shoots when it should, and kills birds just as dead as any other gun for triple the price. It isn't the prettiest by anyone's standards, but that also makes it a great field gun. I've seen a lot of reviews online saying the things are junk, but I haven't experienced any of that in 5 years and hundreds of hours of field use. I will also say, it kind of feels like most guns under the $1000 price point are either 50% rave reviews, or 50% folks saying to toss your money in the dumpster instead of buying said gun.
I snagged a new Stevens 555e online for $625 two years ago. Really like them as far as cheap O/Us go.
I bought one from Dakotazeb for my son and I agree that is a great little gun for the price.
Thanks guys. I'll have to keep an eye out for the Miroku. I was interested in the CZ's but read they may have some reliability problems. I guess in my price range pretty much anything would though
I know, I know; however, IMHO...the Yildiz 20 ga. from Academy is about as good as it gets in the $500 dollar range. They look decent, handle well, and lifetime warranty from Academy. Definitely a student budget gun.
Guns have gone up in the past few years. I've been wanting a 555E, saw one at Fleet Farm and it is a darn good looking gun for under a grand, but it's about $850 everywhere now. Far cry from $625. I've never held one but that Yildiz JMc mentioned looks real nice for the money too.

Or, you could go the super fun route and go pawn shop hopping. Bet you could find some real gems if you put some time in.
Guns have gone up in the past few years. I've been wanting a 555E, saw one at Fleet Farm and it is a darn good looking gun for under a grand, but it's about $850 everywhere now. Far cry from $625. I've never held one but that Yildiz JMc mentioned looks real nice for the money too.

Or, you could go the super fun route and go pawn shop hopping. Bet you could find some real gems if you put some time in.
Cabelas has their exclusive version (basically the E but no engraving) for $650 at the moment.
If anyone has a decent O/U for around $500, I'd love to snag it. I realize most are above this price range, but thought I'd throw this out there. Would also be happy with the right semi/pump
What gauge are you looking for?
A great field gun is one that is reliable and you have one shot kills, whether $500 or $5000. Pretty is in the eyes of the beer holder. :) 🍺
I have been afforded the opportunity to shoot guns that cost $200 to $200000 and I can say you can break or miss your target just as easily with either one. It is all about fit and comfort. There are lemon at both extremes as well. Fit one that fits you and you will be happy. I shot a lefthanded 1100 way better then a right-handed, don't know why but won several collegiate shoots with that gun. Oh and alot of it is in your head too.
I shot a lefthanded 1100 way better then a right-handed, don't know why but won several collegiate shoots with that gun.
As a lefty that enjoys shooting autos, I've been using right handed shotguns for about 15 years haha the only complaint I have about it is I occasionally get spent powder in my eye on a windy day when the spent shells are ejecting.

Other than that, I find I almost like right handed autos more than I would a left handed, ergonomically speaking. I can hold the gun in my left hand, and load with my right and the breach is right there. If I shot a lefty auto, the breach would be on my far left side. Maybe I'm just used to it but I find a lot of advantages to it.
The Stoeger is a very serviceable gun and less then 400. Buy 1 and sell it later when you can afford something nicer. Might take a 100 hickey.
I needed a break action gun for dog tests. I bought a nice little Stevens but I had trouble hunting with it. Kind of operator error , I would slide the safety straight up rather then up and to 1 side or the other. It would stick there. I have the occasional same problem with the cheaper Stoeger but at 300 I don't mind not hunting with it.
If you don't come up with anything here, Hit all your local pawn shops and gun stores. Find something you can afford. Then post advice about it on here. You'll get plenty of opinions. The opinations on the Turkish guns are all over the place. Some have had great luck some not. You can't go wrong with a good pump gun. You should be able to pick up a good used Mossberg for under your budget. Good luck.