Now this is good news, 188 wolves killed

There is just about no recruitment of calves into the elk populations within the Yellowstone ecosystem. Elk populations in the area are dropping dramatically. Wolf populations are rising and spreading rapidly. What a mess.

Remember these are introduced Canadian Gray Wolves. Evolved killers, The elk herds have no evolved traits to deal with this type of predation.

I believe when it's all said and done. Gray wolf populations will be controlled outside the National Parks and certain Wilderness areas.

And NO, wolves will not be accepted in your suburbs.
Who's name calling? I recall none.
The Division of Wildlife here in Colorado has worked very hard to manage big game. It would be sad to see all of the hard work and time invested to go down the drain. I read they have a commission to address the wolves, but what I read suggests a wait and see approach. I guess that is fair, but I don't know if it is wise. Most of their revenue is from license fees. You would think they would be more of a urgency to implement a plan to address them now. They have just brought back Moose not to terribly long ago, and it is very hard to get a tag now. Lynx were re-intrduced and their numbers are still pretty low. Seems to me to want to protect your investments. TM, if you have a link or info on the Moose and climate change, I would be interested in reading it. I am not being sarcastic. I haven't heard of this yet and would like to be informed on this and look at are Moose here. Thanks,
wow what a hot topic! lets all take a deep breath and think about our happy place:D nice to see we can all voice our opinions and keep it civil. thats why i love this site. i did see capt coot used the term tree hugger. naughty naughty. he did start the tree hugger movement 20 years ago in San Diego. he was in the navy on shore patrol and gang fights were breaking out. navy was called in to help, they were really desprite that night. he meets one of the gang members in the dark and tells him to go home. he didnt and took a swing at the Capt. big mistake! how long did you leave him handcuffed with his arms around that palm tree anyway:D

i did not know c.c. was sp thats shore patrol, love you sp. my marines love gettig in trouble with you guys.:D if this post is true . thanks for ur service to this country:) know one has ever thanked me:mad: dont care did what what i had to do.:cheers:
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Helped shore patrol when needed jmac. SEABEE was trade "We build WE fight We party all night was our motto" Hope I done each well though age has caught up:mad:. Worked along side many Marines really top notch men raising a little he!! never hurt no one (to bad:D). :10sign: in my book neither of us need or want praise, but thank you for our service. Monday morning in the service all you could say is boys will be boys:D :cheers:

bleub, dont know where you found this letter, but sumed up my points on this subject perfectly. thx :thumbsup::D
Well done. Those that deny the data have no intention of ever getting the wof off the list.
I was listening to a veggie anarchist, actually the Dean of Law at Rutgers University on the Mike Levine show the other day. He stated it was morally wrong to use animals for any purpose. He does not kill insects--any zero zip, zilch. When countered re what the required land use to feed the world on veggies would do to numerous animals he stated we could farm without ever tearing up a mouse nest or use of insectcides etc. What do these guys's wear for shoes? What about all the habitat loss, environmental damage from chemical and oil use for synthetics etc. etc. etc. to sustain his vision for the future. He uses all the technology with out understanding the consequences.
He went on to state that he respected the freedoms of others, but when he convices the majority to his views he would, indeed, think it appropriate to outlaw all use of animal life for any human purpose as immoral and illegal.
These guys are out there and some of them are in high places.
uncle buck

exellent point, offen in there statements. " i dont think" bla bla bla ............!
they are in high place and they are right, so they think ,not. THEY DO NOT THINK. They haven't a clue what is going on with anything in this country. well now i am the one going bla bla bla. respectfully, what is the answer??? :thumbsup:
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I can't follow Allen's math. He claims that wolves kill 40,000+ Elk per year.

If that were true, Elk in Utah would be extinct. Canada too. But they aren't.

Makes me wonder about the rest of his numbers.

The same David Allen said, Aug 14, 2009, “Elk herds are in great shape across most of the West, thanks to a mild winter and normal moisture. And, of course, the ongoing habitat stewardship projects supported by our members and volunteers have helped, too,” said David Allen, president and CEO of the Elk Foundation.

So what DOES Mr. Allen think? Are the wolves eating up all the Elk, or are the Elk herds "in great shape"?

I'd have to accuse him of talking out of both sides of his mouth.
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Usually RMEF is a little more careful than that, but I know they've dealt with a fair amount of leadership controversy in recent years.

It's not a simple issue, certainly not at all a simple cause-effect phenomenon for yellowstone elk.

They were by some accounts doing a bit too well before wolves were introduced, overpopulated. Hunting is pointed to by some as a part of the decline (for example Montana dramatically ramped up elk hunting permits in an effort to reduce elk numbers) as has been extended drought by others. It does appear elk behavior has been changed by wolves, which has the dual impact of helping increase the water quality along streams and sending elk into range with lower quality forage.

There's some who point to bears as a bigger mortality factor, at least for elk calves. This might be tied up in changes to their habitat preferences due to wolves, however. Lost in the arguments of those who want wolves to disappear is the fact that bears--particularly grizzly bears--have dramatically increased in numbers in and around the park.

We've had a wild laboratory to examine for years that might be instructive--one where wolves and their prey are even more tied to each other than at yellowstone--Isle Royale National Park.

What's most interesting to me are the arguments of those outside the park who claimed at one time there were too many elk and bison and wanted both gone--and now they want wolves gone.

I've no doubt things will work themselves out over time if only people can approach the situation with honesty and without fear-induced emotion.
I will be hunting Elk in MT again this Fall.

The permit areas North and to the West of the park.[Yelowstone ecco system]
Have gone in just a few years from general Elk to some strict limited quotas.This was MT major Elk producing/hunting regions. also Guides and outfitters.
Elk are being saved here for the sake of the Canadian Grey Wolves. Great battle won for anti hunting I reckon.
as the Canadian Wolves expand their range further each direction, little doubt the future of hunting.
Well, I've been there and done it. Many times, still hate to see it, especially for the young hunters that would like the chance.
Well, I do not know if RMEF talks out of both sides or not, but the huge reduction of licences is an indisputable fact.