Now this is good news, 188 wolves killed

KB & TMR I understand where your coming from. I'm not trying to come across with the likes of Ted Nugent. I don't think guys like him are a great spokes person for out sport. This is a hunting site and we are among hunters here. I think we should be able to express ourselves here if anywhere. Out in the public well we are among the none hunting comunity I think we have to be more politically correct. So, I'm not trying to knock you for the way you are thinking. Everybody has their right to express themselves in a way that gets their opionion across, with in reason.

You know, I don't know how big of a problem the wolves would be if the Ranchers and Sportsmen and some State officials were not duped and lied to. Wolves were suppose to be capped at a certain pack number. We know now the people we can't trust.
One more thing, I am not politically correct and chose not to be. I don't want people to tell me what I want to hear, I want them to tell me the truth. Do not care if it is bad or good, just the plain truth. Seems we have lost that over time, trying to protect ones feelings or beliefs. Thanks for the good read and comments on this hot topic.:thumbsup:
One more thing, I am not politically correct and chose not to be. I don't want people to tell me what I want to hear, I want them to tell me the truth. Do not care if it is bad or good, just the plain truth. Seems we have lost that over time, trying to protect ones feelings or beliefs. Thanks for the good read and comments on this hot topic.:thumbsup:

I agree with you on the truth part Bleu. Everyone gets so caught up in what they should or should not say, they skirt around the truth and you might be lucky to get a partially correct answer. It is bad. I see this everyday in retail and at school. I have given up on watching everything but the sports on the news because you can't get an accurate story anymore.
"Wolves were suppose to be capped at a certain pack number. We know now the people we can't trust."


They also agreed to pay for livestock loss and wolves were NEVER going to leave the parks boarders(at first). They thought they had a endless supply of elk and moose calves. WRONG! WRONG and WRONG!!!

Minnesota has far more wolves then anywhere else in the lower 48.

Here's quote from another site about Minnesota's deer

Ok think about this:

Hunters shoot 200K deer per year STATEWIDE.

USFWS..SAYS..that there are 3000 wolves in MN but they eat only 75K deer per year. (We know there are probably double that many wolves but they won't say so.)

In fact, from independent reasearch, each wolf eats a deer per week so even if we use the ultra low number of 3000 wolves times 52 weeks, 3000x52=156,000 deer per year killed by wolves.

Now we know wolves only occupy the northern 1/2 to 1/3 of the state. Spread out 156,000 deer killed by wolves out over that area and they easily kill 3 to 4 times more deer than hunters. Again that is using a very low number of wolves.

Gee, now why are there no deer??????"

behind you 101% onpoint and as for the truth i agree we live in a nation wherre it is easier to lie steal and sneak rather than come face to face with our problems look at the war for example if we would have taken everything we have and leveled the sandbox years ago when the first bush was there we wouldnt have this problem now and its the same for us sportsmen if they would stop trying to lie to us about things that directly affect us we may all have diferent views sorry if no one disagrees but i for one am proud of the heritage our forfathers gave us and the right to hunt is one of the privaleges that everyone of us should stand up and fight for
Nowhere did anyone mention keeping your opinions to yourselves. We're simply stating that the way you state your opinions is driving people to vote AGAINST US!!! Would you lie, cheat, or steal to preserve your heritages if they seemed as though they were diminishing? I'd be tempted if that's what it took. If changing a few words around makes the taking of an animal sound better to someone that's on the fence, it's worth the effort or sacrifice as some of you may see it.

We aren't trying to tell you guys to be meek like lambs.....if you think that you obviously aren't reading our posts thoroughly. Our point (if you really care) is that there are some folks that haven't made up their minds whether we're the crazy ones or if the anti's are. If you guys are that hard headed with folks that don't understand the way you think, they'll NEVER understand the way you think. TM and myself understand the way you think and we think the same way. We just have a different way of persuading folks to our side of a subject.

To the poster that suggested this is a hunting site for hunters and we should be able to discuss anything we want to, I understand your point. However, the public forum is just that....public. It is not restricted solely to hunters. I don't want to lose a single vote in the way of hunting rights. We need all we can get. That's all I hope to preserve by this debate. I feel your words may drive some folks away. If you say, "Well, I'll say what I want to and I don't care how they take it" then you're doing us all an injustice. What makes you think people will perceive your words just as you do?

I like each and every one of you guys that have posted in this thread. Based on your posts in response to mine, I'd guess you haven't really read my posts in an effort to understand what I'm saying. If I need to vent something and want to say something about "killing them all" I'll do so in a private message. Sorry, but this is the way we have to look at this. Votes for our side are diminishing rapidly and your approach to persuasion isn't isn't going to help. Please, just step back and breathe. Stand for the things you believe in and your rights. Just consider how someone that is on the fence may perceive your words, even if there was no ill intent, the result may be the same....another lost voter on the side of the outdoorsmen and women of this fine country.

i am not sayeing to kill them all. no way. just manage them. i think everyboby on this thread has made a good point. u i assume are from kansas, how many wolves do u have in kansas? here is a clue in wyoming (onpoint and other) have stated that the wolves are out of control, in are states. they are! I dont think they should be wiped out. managed he!! yes. u elk hunt? they arnt yotes they way about 90lbs, they run in packs and kill the young, sick and the heally dumb. in wyoming they (wolves are out of control) they will not let anyone hunt them (us courts ETC). they need to be controlled . by the way they( they think thyreintroducted them ) heck no they have been in wyoming in small manageble pockets all along. places like the ferris, laramie, big horns, tetons, and more. ok ill get off my soap box lol:cool:
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i am not sayeing to kill them all. no way. just manage them. i think everyboby on this thread has made a good point. u i assume are from kansas, how many wolves do u have in kansas? here is a clue in wyoming (onpoint and other) have stated that the wolves are out of control, in are states. they are! I dont think they should be wiped out. managed he!! yes. u elk hunt? they arnt yotes they way about 90lbs, they run in packs and kill the young, sick and the heally dumb. in wyoming they (wolves are out of control) they will not let anyone hunt them (us courts ETC). they need to be controlled . by the way they( they think thyreintroducted them ) heck no they have been in wyoming in small manageble pockets all along. places like the ferris, laramie, big horns, tetons, and more. ok ill get off my soap box lol:cool:

I hope they do manage them. They obviously need to be managed. Where did you get the idea I cared about the wolves being killed? Again, you must not have read my posst or you have a hard time understanding them. Though I'm from KS and don't elk hunt, I hate to see the impact on they're having and never disagreed even at their eradication. Read my posts and then read yours. You're implying that I don't want the wolves killed. My posts don't elude to anything of the sort.
kansas britt

ok i reread your posts in this thread. like i said your points are noted. dont think i ever thought u were wanting not to hunt them, or manage them. if i offended you, there was no intent. :D
I like wolves and hope they will be around for a long time. Having said that, I'd rather work on getting rid of rats, mosquitos, mice, spiders, carp, ticks, ants, and yellow toadfaced aligators. If only Noah would have had some foresight and kicked them off the boat when he had the chance.

My neighbor once asked why I worked so hard on creating habitat for nesting ducks. I responded by saying that I want to eliminate more ducks in the fall. Her response "that makes absolutely no sense at all". I agreed with her about that but then I'll continue my senseless ways anyway.

The wolves were here first and they co-existed with native Americans just fine. I't wasn't until the white settlers arrived that they became unwelcome. The least we can do is leave something for them.
when wolves are seen on a regular business during the day, it tells me they need to be controlled. Lots of good evidence in this topic.
ok i reread your posts in this thread. like i said your points are noted. dont think i ever thought u were wanting not to hunt them, or manage them. if i offended you, there was no intent. :D

No offense taken at all. Just wanted to be sure that nobody thought I was against the management of the wolves.
How about one of you explain some basic facts.

Prior to the arrival of Europeans, there were an estimated 10 million Elk and 5 million Gray Wolves. All those wolves, and all those Injuns didn't eat up all the Elk.

Now there are, worldwide, 2 million Elk, and perhaps 10K Gray wolves in the USA. The Injuns now eat the same food as Europeans.

So, how is it that wolves are the cause of depletion of the once large Elk population...and the Bison and the Antelope? They didn't manage to deplete all those ungulates during the 10,000 before white man arrived, how have they done so in the past 200 years?

By 1920 there were virtually no Gray Wolves in the USA. There were also virtually no Bison, and damned few Elk and Antelope.

Here's a fact: In 1650 the Great Plains of North America contained the greatest population of animals ever seen anywhere on Earth. Ever. Anywhere. On Earth. Did the wolves eat them?

Where did those ungulates go?

Here are the Buffalo:,_ca1870-772015.png

Look in the mirror. You cannot and will not restore the Elk, Bison and Antelope by killing wolves. It's been tried and failed.

It's happened in your lifetime with Pheasants. Lots of Pheasants in 1946. Damned few by 1968. Many more now. It never a predator problem.
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dont think u read the entire thread. but thanks for ur post. i have stated ur point repetedly
I might guess that most if not all of us would agree that some control of wolf numbers is warranted, at least where they are doing well.

The way to get there though is not to suggest they all should be killed, or portray them in a wildly inaccurate manner. That only polarizes the issue when "our side" is already in the minority.

Just about every time this topic comes up someone from a wolf state claims that it's only those who don't have to deal with them who want wolves protected. I don't know the situation out west as well, but I do know opinion polls in MN/WI/MI clearly show much more support for wolves and wolf protection that those making these claims indicate.

To make headway--even in states with wolves--facts are needed.

I was asked to address some of the incorrect info in the thread.

1) It was said wolves have exceeded their "cap number": The feds--working with biologists--develop a plan to achieve recovery of endangered/threatened species. They set a recovery goal number in each state. That number corresponds to a number that according to the plan suggests the population has "recovered". In essence it acts as a minimum, and certainly NOT a cap. If a state exceeds it's recovery number (as MN has for many years and WI/MI have in recent years), any drop in those numbers that approaches the goal may be used as evidence that full protection is again needed for wolves.

2) The "But they kill for Sport" comments: This feeling is based on personal emotions, not facts. Wolves kill to survive. Just like any predator. They can be pretty good at it, and no it's not necessarily pretty when they are successful. Some people seem to really struggle with that basic understanding--I get that, but have a hard time with folks who hunt not holding all the other species that do the same standard.

It's not an easy business being a predator of big animals who can hurt you. They do get injured and occasionally die while trying to take down deer, even more so with elk and moose. They have the ability to take down healthy animals and will take advantage of a healthy animal in a compromised position when the opportunity comes along, but generally will tackle those that are weak or sick first. They'll chase quite a few prey for each one they take down in an effort to find those that are easier (and safer) for them to tackle. In wolf country they will often get on the track of a hunter-wounded deer, find it, and finish it off.

3) The "Kill more than they consume" comments: Biologists call this "surplus killing". It's not uncommon in predators--many a poultry farmer has tales of mink/weasels/raccoons wiping out a whole coop at night. It hasn't been documented that often in wolves, and keep in mind there have been radio-collared wolves followed by biologists for 30 some years now.

Someone mentioned MN in the mid-90's. We had two very tough winters back to back in those years, and surplus killing by wolves was documented in the first of those two winters. It was not in the second, nor to my knowledge has it ever been since.

And lost in the story was what condition those deer were in that first winter. As someone who investigated this personally I can say this--we had a pretty high deer population in most areas at the time, and lots of fawns. Most of the wolf kills were completely consumed, but of the ones that were not, they were almost always young deer that were dead on their feet--the wolves got to them before Ma Nature would have. They were starving with no fat reserves left. Wolves did do pretty well that winter!

The next year--equally bad weather--not only was surplus killing not documented but wolves killed a lot fewer deer. The weak or old were pretty much wiped out by the first winter, and those that were left were younger and stronger, and better able to escape wolves even in a bad winter.

4) The "wolves are reducing deer #'s" view:

I've seen a number of wolf studies and have yet to find one that indicates anywhere close to 50+ deer/year numbers. Most run in the low 20's, less than 1/2 the figure OnPoint used. The biggest mortality factor for deer in any of the lakes states has always been hunting.

In this part of the country we've had very high deer numbers at the same time we've had a high wolf population. The claims that they affect deer #'s just don't wash when compared to facts. After the hard winters here in the mid-90's deer #'s recovered completely within a few years even though we had high numbers of wolves.

WI and MN both have alterred deer season regs a great deal in recent years, with the goal of killing more deer and/or putting more presure on does during the hunting season. For the most part, those efforts have worked well. The winter of 08-09 was a bit tough in some areas of the state but otherwise winters have been pretty mild. If you are seeing fewer deer, it's most likely due to hunting harvest increases or more pressure on does.
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i agree, thx. u made the point ive been trying to make perifectly, they kill the week, sick and unlucky. i dont think that the wolves should be wiped out. however controlled like any other preditor. you guys in the midwest, according to this thread seem to have a bigger problem than, those of us in the west. i dont know this because its not my stompen grounds. do however enjoy all opions from everone on this forum:D you are right wolves dont kill for no reason, they kill to eat. thx agian for your post:cheers:
I believe it was in Montana a few wolves killed a bunch of sheep at one time, didnt eat them, just killed them, i think it was last year. As far as the West goes most want them completely gone, i wish they had been managed better so it woldnt have become such a big issue, the whole thing has been a mess from day one. The people didnt want them and the Fed just did the ussual and rammed it up our wazoo, so now its a mess and its not going to get better, typical gov mismanagement.