Not to bright

No I'm not talking about myself:D I'm talking about this Jeff Foiles dude. If you don't know he runs a duck goose call bussiness makes TV hunting shows. Seems he's broke every hunting law known to man. I know people are innocent until proven guilty. So I'll wait to judge him on breaking the law. But I will say I will never buy anything made by that company again. I would give more details but theres so many I figure it would be easier if you looked it up yourself most waterfowl forums r talking about it big time so it shouldn't be hard to find.
i heard about this, and me being a huge waterfowl fanatic im very dissapointed.. not only has he ruined it for himself.. he has mad all hunters look bad in this ordeal. 23 felonys against him from 03-07. $250,000 max fine and/or max 5 years in prison for each felony!! they guy will next hunt anything anywhere ever again. his son will also prolly suffer from this having the foiles last name. but more importantly it makes the hunting community look terrible as a whole.
No I'm not talking about myself:D I'm talking about this Jeff Foiles dude. If you don't know he runs a duck goose call bussiness makes TV hunting shows. Seems he's broke every hunting law known to man. I know people are innocent until proven guilty. So I'll wait to judge him on breaking the law. But I will say I will never buy anything made by that company again. I would give more details but theres so many I figure it would be easier if you looked it up yourself most waterfowl forums r talking about it big time so it shouldn't be hard to find.


your right its not hard to find. You think this Foiles guy is guilty? If so, He's in alot of Trouble. 23 counts at five years/ 250,000.:eek:

your right its not hard to find. You think this Foiles guy is guilty? If so, He's in alot of Trouble. 23 counts at five years/ 250,000.:eek:

I would think the film footage would be hard for him to fight. But he can probablly afford pretty good lawyers. I personally think he's guility and should get the Maximun time. But thats what the judge and juries are for so we'll see what happens. Shooting park geese with a pellet gun just for the band thats got to be the dumdest move by a hunter I've ever heard of.
All I said was change there product name to Team Straight Meat breaking the law:D Guess they didn't like it.


This guy is toast, I spent today , looking up , what you said. This guy is dirty, and is going down. The guns alone will cost him, bid time. This guy needs to go away, like a fed prison for life.:thumbsup:
Don't get your hopes up guys. Federal crimes are all done on sentencing guidlines. Fed prosecutors are notorious for bringing all kinds of charges that they know won't pass muster, in order to have negotiating room. The 5 years/$250,000 is the penalty for all Federal felonies, and is the max. This will end up as a plea bargain on 1-3 charges, a hefty restitution fee, for headlines, jail at club fed, close to home, and a period of 3 years of probation after the year and a day sentence, ( year and a day allows for "good time sentence reduction", about 60 days if the sentence is over 1 year, hence the sentence. The guy may be a jerk, I don't know, but he's probably a first time offender, and this is what I'd expect, with or without a dream team attorney. Still plenty of misery to rock his world and his entire family, and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. But scoff the system and pay the price, hopefully the guy uses the time wisely, and comes out of this affair a better person than went in.
I tried looking this up tonight and didnt have much luck. No credible sources just rumors on forums. Most of the info I found was stuff that had happened about 3 years ago. Something about him floating a fourth shell. I dont know if he ever got charged for that but it said something about him being banned from Canada for it but I don't think thats true.

I did find that he was indited on 12/9 in Springfield, Ill. But the foiles site has been banning people left and right and deleting threads and posts likes it nothing just for people asking whats going on.