Northern Flinthills Region - NOW WITH PICS!!


Well-known member
The KDWPT said quail were up in this region so I tried it Friday and Sat. a.m. Found two coveys and also bagged an old cock that was 37" beak to tail and had big spurs.
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Good for you BC! I've spent 3 hunting days in the Northern FH region and haven't seen much of anything. Our best day we saw 1 covey.
I spent many a year seeing so many quail during prairie chicken hunts you can't keep the dogs focused on chickens, because the kept stumbling into quail! I sure wish for than now! Same thng with NC Kansas, had some many quail running down a leafy ditch, that I though it was 4 legged running animal the dogs were pointing. Say it now, the youngsters look at you funny.
Went out from 1 to 3 this afternoon just north of Clay Center. Only hunted one field and managed to put one hen in the air. Driving from that field to a spot I wanted to look at for deer hunting, we scared up a small bunch of prairie chickens. 10-12 took off from the side of the road and flew deeper into a posted section. Nice to see some anyways.
Two weeks ago we were in the flint hills around council grove and there were still grasshoppers alive in the pastures. That sorta kept the prairie chickens out in the open where they could see you a mile away and they flushed far ahead. Hopefully with the frosts we have been having all birds will be a little more predictable to hunt. We used to hunt that clay center area a ton but had to start going farther west for better numbers of birds.
Like the second picture the best,look in the foreground,through the window....

Gus the Brittany likes to keep his eye on things.

Found two today. Hunted from daylight until four pm. They are few and far between. These were the only two birds I saw all day.