

New member
I moved to Dubuque, Ia last fall to attend seminary. I am 41 yrs old, married and have two daughters. I haven't done any bird hunting in about 15 years, but after goofing around on the internet and finding this site I am pretty excited to get back after them. Looks like a good site to get back into it.
That it is Dana, Welcome to UPh, we are Happy to have a lady with us. Any questions you have just post the and the crew will do it best for you. You living now in Prime Pheasant country I'd be excited about the sport too.---Bob
ha ha thats funny!!!!!! how old are you getting bob???? no just kidding. thats funny
Sorry Dana, For some reason I just thought you were a Lady. My apologies. I may be 75, but that really is no excuse. Even with my bo-bo I'm still very happy to have you here.---Bob
Welcome to the site. Which seminary are you attending in Dubuque? I gaduated from the University of Dubuque 7 years ago. There is some good fishing to be done on the Mississippi.
:welcome: to the site Moose-head.

I know a guy that went thru Wartburg Seminary (and he turned out OK). :thumbsup:
Not the first time for the name confusion. I was assigned to girls P.E. in high school a couple of different times, for some reason I never could get them to let me into the locker room though. I am at Wartburg which is a hop skip and a jump away from UD we use each others libraries quite a bit. As for the Missisissippi I have put probably 6-7 days in on the river and have one sauger to show for my efforts.
I hope you get back into pheasant hunting despite your gender confusion:). Welcome aboard!!! It's a fairly decent bunch here though they're not overly talkative for days at a time. Go ahead and stir the pot, you have the jump on Bob already!