No fawns or older age class bucks

kick them up

Active member
I went out to the farm yesterday to hunt Dove and do some deer farming. I have noticed something that is making me concerned. I have pulled SD cards on my trail cams 3x now and all I have on film is Doe's and Small inmature bucks. The largest being a small basket 6pt.:eek: I called Lloyd Fox at KDWP and he stated that the area I'm in got hit hard by EHD last season, but that would not effect the fawns. I think the Yote's have taken the fawns:mad:.

So I am making a choice to hunt only doe's on my farm and will go west to hunt antlered deer. I am also asking anyone who hunts my farm to do the same. Plus I am going to Varmint hunt ALOT! I am concenred too for the little bucks being I am bordered on 3 sides by public hunting does not bode well for them:(.

Question is.... am I the only one seeing this in NE KS?

Good news is my hunting partner just got another 80ac. It was a mere 190K:eek::eek: but it is a awesome spot of deer, turkey and maybe a covey:thumbsup:
Got the same thing on my ground in Southeast Kansas. Checked my cameras for the first time last Sunday and no mature bucks. Last season had 6 or 7 mature ones showing up. I had to put up a fence around my feeder to keep the cattle out, was wondering if maybe the big bucks felt a little weird jumping into a fenced in area??? But, didn't have any mature bucks on the other camera I have by a creek. Not sure what's going on, but pretty depressing to say the least.
Get rid of the Yotes will definatly help with the Fawn recruitment rates in your area.
Get rid of the Yotes will definatly help with the Fawn recruitment rates in your area.

Yeah it's basically all out war on Yotes. I just emailed all the gunsmiths here at CZ and told them to have at it when it comes to testing guns on Yotes at the farm. I hope between the both of us we can eliminate about half the population. Now just wish I could control the public hunting guys. There is a herd of vietnamiese out of KCK who hunt in a hoard and kill ever deer they see doe, fawn and or buck. Really kinda sad but it is their way of doing it.
These have a little growing to do-

The small one of the 7. Look just to the right of his G2, that's dad's garage-

nice looking deer.
haven't notice anything different here in extreme sek,but haven't out a whole lot since we hung stands
I'm an avid predator caller. I hunt coyotes as much (and sometimes more) as anything else, and if you truely have an over abundance of coyotes...
You need a trapper. It's the only real effective way to control the numbers (excluding aerial gunning).
And, giving the "green light" to everybody to hunt them will just educate your coyotes. They'll become call wise quick when a lot of different people are just throwing sounds at them trying to get a coyote shot. It's just different than one guy going in with the intent of thinning the herd. I won't spend much time on a piece of land if I know it's getting over called.
By the mention of the "Vietnamese",...I have a pretty good guess where you're at. HD area?
Lloyd Fox and Dr. Grant Woods did a seminar in Hutch on the 24th. My hearing is shot, but I believe Lloyd said about 1,000 lost in Kansas due to EHD, 10,000 in Missouri and Nebraska lost about 30% of their herd.
I'm an avid predator caller. I hunt coyotes as much (and sometimes more) as anything else, and if you truely have an over abundance of coyotes...
You need a trapper. It's the only real effective way to control the numbers (excluding aerial gunning).
And, giving the "green light" to everybody to hunt them will just educate your coyotes. They'll become call wise quick when a lot of different people are just throwing sounds at them trying to get a coyote shot. It's just different than one guy going in with the intent of thinning the herd. I won't spend much time on a piece of land if I know it's getting over called.
By the mention of the "Vietnamese",...I have a pretty good guess where you're at. HD area?

I second the aerial hunting idea. We formed a predator district and have drasticly reduced coyote population. Killed 710 between early december and the first of april in our county. We did have perfect conditions.