New Member

Stephen Rafe

New member
I'm the author of Training Your Dog for Birdwork, developer of the Starfire gunshy cure system, and About Dogs editor for Quail Unlimited. My website is: http:/ . I have over 25 years' experience in hunting dogs (GSPs and Jack Russell terriers) and have hunted and competed both breeds. I also own and host Yahoo's SportingBreed discussion group.l In addition, I have been a canine behaviorist for more than 20 years, helping dog owners solve all kinds of problems. I would be happy to answer any questions without charge or spam.
Welcome to the UPH you are a very welcome member. How do you want the member to get their question to you? We would prefer to have them posted so we all can learn. Is that OK with you?---Bob
Welcome! What a great addition to this forum. I wonder if Webguy might not want to start a seperate Forum under Bird Dog Discussions for Mr. Rafe?

I would have no problem doing that if you guys want it and it would get some activity. Send me a PM if it's a go.
Thank you, all. I should add that my methods are positive -- not punishment based -- and they work. I specialize in training owners and professional trainers, rather than training dogs. I know the field as a long-time hunter and as a former competitor (NJ's Amateur Bird Dog of the Year a long time ago). While I understand the academic side of things (and even teach at the university level), I'm actually better at using plain English to help people understand what works in the field. I'm open to any and all questions and am willing to listen and learn as well as to share everything I can with those who are willing to do the same.
Finally, an I can stop listening to all these other yahoos...:D...not really, well kind of; you are the expert, but they are really not yahoos. Welcome from the Texas Panhandle!
Bird dog training and behavior

Hi All --

Thanks for the warm welcome. If you're in the Southern Maryland or Northern Virginia area, you might want to come say hello on Saturday morning, March 21 at the FREE program I'll be doing for the Potomac Valley Chapter of the Ruffed Grouse Society. It will cover basic training for the field with demonstrations using owners' dogs in the first hour and then I will teach my stop-to-flush training method, again with owners' dogs in the field. Location: McKee-Beshers WMA, Sycamore Landing Road, Poolesville, MD. Lunch will follow for $10. A fun, shoot-to-retrieve trial will be held in the afternoon. For information on that package (including lunch), contact John Thereault at: or call him at: (301) 865-5176.