New hound wagon

That's pretty amazing. I haven't taken mine on any long trips yet but the best I have seen in a tank of gas (mixed driving) was right at 19 mpg corrected for my oversized tires. Mine still hasn't broken 5,000 miles.
The hound wagon is almost complete. I just need to build a platform in the bed and some drawers later on, I wish my carpentry skills were better so I could build something nice like some of you have.

ARE Z Series camper shell.

I really like it, it's like getting into a Cadillac after driving the 3/4 ton dodge, and Ford's at work. It has a few quirks like a little rattle in the dash cover (only in the morning:confused:), wind noise in the driver window, and a squaking driver door after a weekend of forestry road driving but hopefully I can get these issues resolved.

It's first real trip is coming up to Montana and South Dakota so I'm interested in what kind of mileage it will return.