ignore it he's a baby he will outgrow it
Thanks guys! I figured he would. I was just thinking if I need to correct anything nows the time.
Remi, our 4.5 month old black lab is doing the same thing at times and I too was told this is ok. She's just that excited to retrieve. She charges hard on her retrieves(and recall with whistle is even better for us!) its really cute/funny and awesome to see for a young pup with such drive!
Got a 5 month old lab. He's a hard charging pup the problem is he is over running the bumpers. It doesn't matter how close/ far. I'm thinking this will subside with time. Every single time he will literally slide by it. Any thoughts?
Got a 5 month old lab. He's a hard charging pup the problem is he is over running the bumpers. It doesn't matter how close/ far. I'm thinking this will subside with time. Every single time he will literally slide by it. Any thoughts?
Thanks guys! I figured he would. I was just thinking if I need to correct anything nows the time.
I've seen my Golden attempt to stop and do a front summersault - now that's enthusiasm!
whats everyone's thoughts on dummy launchers. the ones that use a .22 cap or whatever to launch dummies? are they worth the investment?
I have had them for years and use them frequently. I made a rod for mine that I can shoulder and shoot it like a shotgun. They are nice to get the dog out further but you can not beat having a gunner/thrower in the field. The only time I toss bumpers is to an 8 week old puppy. By the time they are 3 months old we beginning marks in the fields with a thrower.
Every once in a while we have the gunner use a launcher to simulate a flyer that sails way out there. If The dog sucks to the gunner or marks off the gunner he's in trouble. I wouldn't do this very often though. Try it sometime, the strong marking dogs don't miss a beat