Well-known member
I always try to avoid stereotyping people....
I always try to avoid stereotyping people....
You get a reliable mid 90's suv, or truck.They are reliable.so for me to get where I normally go in MT its just over 1000 miles. Somewhere around 2500 miles R/T. How the heck do I do that in an old turd of a pick up truck??
Full disclosure - I have a 2010 Suburban with 150,000 miles on it and a check engine light thats been on for almost 2 years.
You are correct. Most of the block m places, already let most people hunt.There are some good ones, but mums the word on this.You misunderstood the points I was trying to make. I have no problem with non-residents coming here to hunt. I was a non-resident at one time who came to Montana to hunt. My point is basically that block mgt. has not opened up any land around here that wasn't open before if people asked. Those landowners who have never allowed hunting have not enrolled in the block mgt. program. Again, I can only speak for where I hunt local
You are absolutely correct....there are a lot of hunters in Montana who hunt block mgt. The majority come over from Western Montana. Around here there are probably 10 people from Western Montana who make the trip here for every non-resident.....probably more as I'm just guessing. And you're also 100% correct regarding who pays for the block mgt. program, but who has benefited from it the most? Certainly not local hunters... The money generated from non-residents for the program is mostly benefiting non-residents and residents who travel around Montana to hunt.
The major point I was trying to make that block mgt. has created tremendous hunting pressure and the end result is that the quality of hunting has suffered greatly. Yes, hunters know that they will have a place to hunt with block mgt., but the block mgt ground gets hammered to death. If I just want to walk my dogs so they can get a whiff of a bird every now and then I can walk them on BLM or State ground. When I go hunting I want to get into some birds and have some fun.... Block mgt. has diminished that opportunity.