Minnesota Twins


Well-known member
Alright, time to crank up another Twins thread now that they are alone in first place. WOW, what a May, eh? 20 wins. I know, it's very early in the season but at least us Twins fans finally have something to cheer about after 4 miserable years as cellar dwellers. Can they keep on winning? I don't know, logic would probably say NO. But there is something special about this team so who knows. I contribute the success to two guys. Molitor and Hunter. We have a manager that knows what it takes to win and by bringing Torii back we finally have a leader in the clubhouse, plus the guy plays solid "D" and has been great with the bat. There is also another individual that has played a big role in the turn around and that is pitching coach Neil Allen. We are getting some decent pitching and if a starter goes down we have Tommy Milone in Rochester who has been lights out and in another 31 games we get Ervin Santana back. So let's sit back and enjoy, going to be an interesting summer in Twinsland.
Since my OP on June 1st and Twins have taken a mighty dive. I guess we should have expected as much. They have been dreadful since the All Star Break. Play with largely retreads and rookies has caught up with them. At 59-61 with 42 games to go the Twins need to go 14-28 the rest of the way to avoid another 90 loss season. I'm really not so sure they can win one out of every 3 games the rest of the way. In fact by the end of this current road trip they will likely be at the bottom of the Central division. I think they have the potential for a good team from an offensive standpoint but their pitching sucks from the starters down through the relievers. The GM needs to go just as bad as Gardy did last year.
Well, after last night's loss it would appear the Twins payoffs hopes are all but dashed. But, it's been a good year. Much better than anyone projected and a far cry from the previous 4 years. I think a lot of pieces are starting to fall into place for this team. If Buxton can start to hit at a decent level what an outfield we will have with him, Hicks and Rosario. And the infield of Plouffe, Escobar, Dozier, Mauer and Sano (DH/3rd) is pretty well set. I'm not sure if Suzuki will be back but we could use a little more production from the catcher position. We could see a starting rotation of Hughes, Santana, Gibson, Duffy and May. Not sure if Nolasco will fit in or not and Pelfrey can take a hike. We need some help in the bull pen. I'm starting to wonder if Perkins isn't done. But if everyone in the starting lineup and the starting rotation can just up their game a little and we improve the pen I think the Twins will be a playoff team in 2016. Oh, and we need to keep Hunter on this team.

Thanks for a great year Twins.