
I won't be hunting out there this afternoon, just parking on the road for a bit. I got pointy dogs too but one of 'em is just lazy enough to sit with us.

We'll be darn lucky if there are any birds to "burn" outta there:)

Is this a blue jeans dove hunt? Or a Camo dove hunt? I don't want to show up wearing a tie, when it is a business casual party :eek:
I am not worried about the dress code. I will probably be wearing whatever I can throw together on my way out of the house.
It was good to see you guys there today! We'll have to try it "with" birds next time. What was the final bird count anyway? 3 dove or the same dove 3 times?:D
It was good to see you guys there today! We'll have to try it "with" birds next time. What was the final bird count anyway? 3 dove or the same dove 3 times?:D

I think it was likely 2 doves with a repeat fly by :thumbsup:

It was good to be able to put faces to the names. And we didn't have to interrupt any of the conversation with any shooting :rolleyes::cheers:
At least my dog waited until we got home to lay one from that deer sausage. He is burning my wife's eyes here in the living room. My wife keeps asking what he ate:D
Carptom, I think he liked it, but maybe for your wife's sake you should not give him any more. :laugh:

It was nice meeting you guys for sure! Good to put faces with names, and I enjoyed the BS'in even if we didn't shoot any doves.

But I CAN add a few to the dove count!

I had some other friends who were also coming out to meet us but they texted me that they had 2 flat tires on the way.:eek: They said they had it under control, so I didn't really think too much about it... Until I saw their truck in the little BWA parking lot on my way out. One spare on the front, and one flat tire on the back!:eek:

We tried to air up the back tire with my little 12V pump, but it was losing air as fast as it was getting pumped in. So then we tried to put on my spare. (Ford spare tires only LOOK like they will fit a dodge, but the lugs are like 1/8 inch off) We kicked around a few options, but the truck owner was afraid that he wouldn't be able to get a tire patched anywhere (it was 7 by then) on a Sunday night.

Then an angel appeared!:D A young female KSU student in full camo, driving a big ol' dodge 4X4. She was so kind as to loan out her spare tire to some complete strangers! Turns out it was flat too, but we aired it up with the little pump and it didn't leak. Got my friends back to town without abandoning their truck at the wildlife area.

After meeting all of you cool guys, and the angel in the Dodge truck, my faith in my fellow man has been restored. :cheers: One of the guys with us is single and in his 20's. We all pretty much decided he should just marry that gal!

Oh yeah... Dove count... I had three fly directly over my head while I was standing in the parking lot. Plus at least half a dozen flew into the big tree by the parking lot, and another half dozen flew across the gap that was cut into the treeline for the powerlines. So I'm going to say I saw 15.

The young lady with the Dodge shot a few times while we were working on the tire, and Karma being what it is, I am going to assume that she got a few doves!