Look who is another year older

Happy bday carp. Keep those stories about that crazy dog coming.:D:cheers:
Can we call you OLD man yet???? Happy Birthday Carptom!!!!:cheers:
Can we call you OLD man yet???? Happy Birthday Carptom!!!!:cheers:

Thanks guys. Enjoyed the day and a big meal of strip steak and smoked salmon. Actually looks like you are about 4 months older than me. Looks like you are the old man:D
Hope You had a good one or two.:cheers:
LOL with the exception of George, You are all young punks. :D Got you all by a few years. Doesn't matter. We all love chasing Birds. Carp I hope you had one hell of a day.:thumbsup::10sign::cheers:
Shoot, I missed this. Happy Birthday Carptom!

I'm sure the dog made you a special present!:eek:
Thanks guys. Enjoyed the day and a big meal of strip steak and smoked salmon. Actually looks like you are about 4 months older than me. Looks like you are the old man:D

Older and Better Looking I guess!!!! That sounds like one heck of a good meal!!!!:cheers:
Happy birthday Carp..Steak and Salmon? Wonder what the poor folks are having..LOL That's what my dad would always say.