Live every minute while you can


Well-known member
I found out my dear friend of 25+ years died of a heart attack in his sleep last night. 55 years old. We were leaving on our annual fishing trip next wednesday. He sure was a decent guy, Kinda a tightass, but that gave me something to give him some crap about:). You know we were a couple of pretty different guys, but we did share some common values and a love of fishing. You really don't know when God is going to call you home.
Dang, that's tough news. I send my families prayers and best wishes during this trying time. May the good Lord guide you all down this difficult path. I dread this kind of news. It always bothers me that someone else is going through a sad time in their life. God rest his soul.
Tomorrow is promised to no one! Sorry for your loss.
Sad news Carptom!!! I thought life was hard when I was 20! It sneaks up on us all. Great advice to live every minute. Hope you do something special when you visit your fishing hole! Thoughts and prayers!
Always sad to read stories like this but your choice of title for the thread is spot on. Do something in memory of your friend and savor the memories you shared.

Sorry for your loss.
My condolences & you are correct. My "awakening" came after I had a heart-attack at 50.
Hi Tom,

I was sad to read about your loss. Very difficult when it's sudden. Thoughts and prayers to your friend's family and to you as well.

Best wishes,

Thanks guys. I feel bad for his kids. His wife is going to give me his fishing stuff, and we are going to take it down and catch some trout next week. Pretty amazing. I know I have spent the last few days thinking about how I need to not sweat the small stuff in life.
Condolences to the wife and family Tom.

My dad passed away in 1973 at 36 years old, and my mom at 38 a year later.. I was second oldest of 6 kids when dad died.

I truly treasure every minute I am on the green side of the grass.

It will be toughest on the kids... Brace yourself.. Try to do things with them if you can to carry on the traditions that your friend cherished..It will pay dividends down the road, plus, they will need the guidance, if youre in that position..
Thanks for sharing CT. Remembrances like this help to keep the lost loved one in mind but also the loved ones here with us now and to put things into perspective and maybe realign our values with the time we have left here on earth.