Thanks for posting.
Wish I had known this trick before the season started!
why? pretty early yet, did you find a road kill or something. gonna try it myself, probably on the last standing kansas pheasant.
I post this once a year around hunting season. A must won't toss those legs and thigh's anymore
if you gently pick the feathers when the bird is still warm you can do a pheasant in a couple of minutes without tearing the skin,, then you gut it. they are really pretty easy to do but the have to be fresh and warm
When I was a young lad and my grandpa's brother had a pheasant hunting party where all our family would come to the farm during opening weekend. Some people would shoot their limits and then we would eat a BIG meal and then we would go hunting again. I remember them heating water in the out building and putting the pheasant in to pluck the feathers off. Maybe that is a good way?
Man do I miss the good ol days in Iowa!:thumbsup:
When I was a young lad and my grandpa's brother had a pheasant hunting party where all our family would come to the farm during opening weekend. Some people would shoot their limits and then we would eat a BIG meal and then we would go hunting again. I remember them heating water in the out building and putting the pheasant in to pluck the feathers off. Maybe that is a good way?
Man do I miss the good ol days in Iowa!:thumbsup:
Legs and thighs are great for soup!
And that's a great video. I shocked so many experienced hunters doing that it shocked me. None of them had seen it before.
On the point of using the entire pheasant..does anyone have any good ideas on cleaning birds where you pluck the feathers and just remove the organs? I would like to try to do this with some of birds and be able to roast an full pheasant in the oven or smoke it but I have not found..nor am I good at..removing the entrails. Any handy youtube videos or good instructions? I usually just rip the skin off..cut out the breasts and chopo off the legs but I would much rather find a good way to remove the insides and pluck the feathers leaving the skin on for a nice touch.
Legs and thighs are great for soup!
2nd best trick in the book, the first is taking all good meat from a 4 legged creature without gutting it!!