lake wilson

Went to wilson sat got there real early hunted all day killed one whole rooster lol wow !!! Im telling you what if you kill one rooster a day there in that area i think your doing really well!! The cover out there has trails from people walking it looks like freakin motorcycle trails how i killed a cock i have no idea and i hunted hard sun up to sun down i did see hens no quail and sunday hunted until noon just working walk in back east from russell to little past lincoln never seen a feather oh well had fun going back in two weeks the last weekend and that will be it what a rough season i told my buddy after hitting walk in after walk in i give white flag its like a constant feeling of beating your head against the truck window and coming up empty my buddy says bryan there just isnt any birds here i said ya i finally see that after a day and a half of knots on my head lol. I tell you what though guys i stayed in the fossil creek motel there breakfest is really good there in the morning best ive ever seen for a continental breakfast and buffet pizza at night next door lol thats the bright spot of the trip and plenty of execise
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Thats the only way you get birds in a bad year, persistence.

I took my two out with my son today on some public ground.
Found two covey, they were really skiddish. Could not get a good shot, with them running out the back side of the cover. Would have thought that they were little pheasants.
I hunted west and north of there yesterday first on family ground then on WIHA. Man, what they haven't already fed to the cows they have cut and rolled up so they can! The family ground had been either hayed or grazed and I moved 1 hen and 6 chickens with the chickens not feeling neighborly and bailing at 400 yards or more. Moved to WIHA and drove by 17 with not enough cover to release a dog on before finding one with decent cover. Worked that quarter and had 1 pheasant run ahead and flush at the road flying so low I couldn't tell what it was. Sage worked out into the patch and pointed a chicken and it too wouldn't hold. Tough day. Changed areas today and found 1 WIHA with birds. Was able to take 2 of the 3 birds I shot at. I just can't seem to cover those straight away roosters this year and am shooting under them. If I had killed my first bird cleanly I might have taken another. Sage was chasing him down while River had a group of 6 with 3 roosters in the mix pointed. The birds wouldn't hold for me to complete my business and flew right by my truck off the WIHA. Nice to tote 2. Rare thing for me this year.
Steve got it right. This year is a game of persistence with the upland birds.

This is the first year I really concentrated on quail in quite a few years. Rough going.

the problem ya have using setters is that ya can't train them to run around the cover and block for ya, need a different dog, good luck finding one

the problem ya have using setters is that ya can't train them to run around the cover and block for ya, need a different dog, good luck finding one


No, we expect our dogs to point the birds. If we want blocker we would be hunting in big orange lines.
the problem ya have using setters is that ya can't train them to run around the cover and block for ya, need a different dog, good luck finding one


Are you Posting Under the Influence? If not, you can stop lining your hats with tin foil, the aliens have wiped your hard-drive clean.

don't have a clue as to what i am posting under, probably a lot of stress, not hunting all the time does that to a guy. if the guy can handle his setters and i believe he does, then he can handle me, running quail seem to be the problem, was just trying to be helpful as always.

Hunted from Wilson north to Osbourne county the week after Thanksgiving on both public and private land and only got 5 roosters and no quail. We were hunting in the same areas where we got into 10 plus coveys of quail last January and we felt we should have at least accidently got into quail if there were any. It was dry and dusty then but do believe there were just few birds and normally theres plenty of water where we hunt on private land but this year was none. Always optomistic though and might go back now that there is a little moisture but dont expect seeing many birds and hoping for a better fall in 2013.
Hunted from Wilson north to Osbourne county the week after Thanksgiving on both public and private land and only got 5 roosters and no quail. We were hunting in the same areas where we got into 10 plus coveys of quail last January and we felt we should have at least accidently got into quail if there were any. It was dry and dusty then but do believe there were just few birds and normally theres plenty of water where we hunt on private land but this year was none. Always optomistic though and might go back now that there is a little moisture but dont expect seeing many birds and hoping for a better fall in 2013.

We found a few quail out that way. The scenting conditions have been so bad most of the year, its hard to know if its all no birds, or partly the scenting conditions.
Are you Posting Under the Influence? If not, you can stop lining your hats with tin foil, the aliens have wiped your hard-drive clean.

I would like to apologize for this post yesterday. Attempting to be funny is no excuse for my bad judgement or my poor choice of words.

If I offended mustistuff or anyone who read this, I offer my sincere apology.
bad post

get over it, didn't mean a thing, kinda sounded like me and i have been told to start being nice, quite a job. there is a big difference between what you said and being down right nasty, everybody needs to get picked on a little, helps them to smarten up some, you might try and pepper some of your post with helpful hints along the way. have a great day, my dogs have a thick skin also, kinda matches their brains

I would like to apologize for this post yesterday. Attempting to be funny is no excuse for my bad judgement or my poor choice of words.

If I offended mustistuff or anyone who read this, I offer my sincere apology.

I really think you coined a new term! PUI - posting under the influence! Good one!
p u i' ing

gosh, see what a little sarcasm will get ya. so far nobody hurt. now what we gotta figure out is what you are using to pui, surely don't need the tin foil though. headed to oberlin area in the morning for a couple of days, taking my two meat head dogs and my 14ga. maybe my elsie as a back up, will surely have my brownie with me now that i have figured out which of the one button to push.
gosh, see what a little sarcasm will get ya. so far nobody hurt. now what we gotta figure out is what you are using to pui, surely don't need the tin foil though.

Now I'm beginning to recognize and even appreciate the essence of your humor. Le'me give it a try.....

GSP's and Brownie cameras suck:D

How'd I do?

P.S. No PUI for/from me tonight. The kids' wrestling will prevent that AND save me 42% (3/7) on my liquor store bill:thumbsup:
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pinch of sarcasm

ya done pretty good, you probably would be using a brownie if you too could figure out how to operate it, they quit making them cause they were too complicated for most dog owners. same goes for dogs, some types are harder to figure out than others. it is however a really rare bird dog that is not glad to see ya, something ya can't always say about your queen even before or after you pui'd. you will also be sorry you are not in oberlin tomorrow watching my low handicapper "divot" in action